Amanda, the link was just to the other thread where Doug mentioned that the upload limits were being more strictly applied.
I had to google how to compress (reduce the file size) of photos. There are various different ways to do it, so it might be worth googling it and deciding which is best for you. The main ways seem to be by downloading free editing software, editing the photo in Microsoft Paint (which I think only works in the old version) or editing the photo in a Microsoft Word document - which was the way I chose to do it. That particular way is fairly simple. You insert the photo into the document, use Picture tools in the tool bar and choose the compress option, save the document and then save the photo. Hope that helps. xx
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Helen @PocketfulCreations , you are a diamond, thank you I will give it a go. xxx
I’ve also had ‘We’re Broken’ messages while attempting to edit text in my descriptions on various listings @dougfolksy
Tried uploading the photos again, and the file size was over 5 so I re sized them and it’s working fine. Thanks again for looking into it.
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@dougfolksy Are you still working on sorting out the picture loading problems. I was just showing my husband something on Folksy and got this on my front page.
Not a good look for a customer coming to the site to shop… but one I can pretty well guarantee (the missing photos) getting somewhere or other on the front page at the moment. I have got used to it on my own listings but this morning I saw the site as a customer and well eeerrrr… 
I’ve noticed the blank spaces too…I can upload my pictures now, but I’m not sure what causes the blanks…but not good for customers visiting the site.
I’m hoping there is a problem in general as I’ve just made a new listing, having resized my photos to 642 pxls square and well under 2Mb, but they look absolutely awful as thumbnails compared to the rest of my shop - really blurred. Have tried uploading original versions of the photos but the look is the same.
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@dougfolksy I’ve just noticed that I’m having the same problem as Elaine @elliestreasures with the thumbnails.
My three most recent listings look dreadful as thumbnails compared to the rest of my shop - they’re nowhere near as sharp. I haven’t done anything different with them, so there’s no reason why they should look different. The first of the three was listed the day you changed the upload limit from 4 to 5MB, so I’m concerned it may not be a coincidence.
I thought the same with the puffin make up bag I uploaded a couple of days ago…looks really fuzzy. I thought it must be me as I am not good with the photography side of things…but this one seemed much worse than usual.
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I thought it was me too! The item itself looked fuzzy and I thought perhaps it was the light because I’d taken it later in the day than usual. However, I’ve just rearranged things in my shop and photos with the same props, arranged in the same way, are now next to each other. I can now easily see that the lipstick and make up brush props look a lot less sharp in the three newest photos than they do in the older ones.
Helen, I’m glad it not just me, I thought I was going mad! It only seems to be the thumbnails, the actual product photo seems relatively OK. I’ve noticed the same with a few others today under the newly listed section on the front page. Hopefully just a blip that needs a tweak. Elaine
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Hi, I’m new to Folksy, have been set up for 1 week. I’m really disappointed in the quality of my photos once I’ve uploaded them. They look great on my computer when I’ve taken them and when I’ve tweaked them, but as soon as I upload them to my shop on Folksy they are unclear and seem to lose quality. I’ve read all the tips etc. Any more advice would be very welcome.
Also, I have no idea if I’m posting in the right place, quite confusing for a newbie.
Keri (Artful Soul Designs)
Hello – yes, this is something we’re still tinkering with.
For the new service, I basically set everything to the highest quality for rendering images, however that isn’t necessarily the best approach. For instance, the resizing of images might blur them slightly with some high quality algorithms. So we’re experimenting with a few different algorithms and settings to try to find the best combination of both for the highest number of listing images.
In fact, it’s one of today’s jobs to test them out.
Thanks very much for feeding back on the work!
Thank you, I’m glad this is being looked into.
I am beginning to despair. Was looking to buy something earlier but couldn’t bring the photos up except for the first. Now my own latest listing won’t pin to my pinterest board because it can’t get the image. I had hoped the photo problems we have had for months now would at some point lessen but they seem to be getting worse.!
@dougfolksy I was having this same problem about 8pm yesterday.
I was loooking at my shop this morning at about 8am and I was unable to see items photo’s. Sorry to say that I’m pretty sure this will be turning customers away.
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It turned me away from that purchase which I didn’t then make … And I am a loyal Folksy member.