Weekly Art Chat W/C 12th May

Morning all,

Just listed this little cutie


Morning Max…lovely miniature…the frames are brilliant…
I have listed two more hand painted cards this morning…


Lovely poppy and frame Max.

Fab cards Brenda.
Back to work today, see you all tonight!

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Good Morning :smile:

Love the miniature max looks great in the frame and those cards are lovely Brenda :smile:

Hope you have a good day back at work Margaret :smile:

I did a stock take last night and found I had an ACEO listed in two places … system failure !!!

So I have replaced one of them with this one …


Morning! Just got the shopping to put away, make a brew and then I’ll be back with a new listing and a catch up.

OK. back now…

Gorgeous painting Max, it looks fabulous framed.

Lovely cards Brenda.

Waving Margaret :smile:

Ooopsie Hazel - well spotted! Pretty poppies.

Here’s my new listing…


Happy Monday every one. Some really inspiring work today. I’ve finally plucked up the courage to advertise commissions - but just cars for the moment. Do you have any tips for selling commissions? Any I’ve done previously have been for friends or friends of friends. I’m sure it’s different when it’s a complete stranger!


I’m sure you’ll do well Gaynor. My top tips are make sure that you and the buyer understand what is required up front. During painting I always email pics at every stage - initial composition sketch, sketch on watercolour paper, adding colour (several stages here), background if required etc. Each stage is accepted as accurate if I don’t hear from the buyer within 48 hours otherwise I’d never get them finished on time. And NEVER start work without at least 50% deposit - I’ve know several artists that do the work and email the pics and never hear from the buyer again.

I agree get a clear idea of what the buyer wants and get some money upfront and charge more than you normally do as it’s more work to-ing and fro-ing with the customer.
if you email pics make sure they are very low res, you want them to see them but you don’t want them running off a print and deciding they don’t want the painting. I usually make a greetings card or two and send it with the painting.
Advertise in a vintage/veteran cars magazine. Gaynor your car paintings are really good.

wow, work have updated their browser and I can get to the forum again, Yippeeeee! :smile:

Fab car Gaynor, you should do very well doing commissions, there must be lots of people who’d love a painting of their classic cars and you’re so very good at doing them.

Love that ACEO Stephie, very pretty

Hazel, my trellis arrived today and is gorgeous, many thanks for the flower card too.
I’m having a good day at work, I’ve been showered with gifts from one of my colleagues here who is always very generous. Among the pressies are a lovely hand decorated birthday cake and a desk easel, which will be very handy at workshops! :smiley:

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Great work everyone!
Gaynor, your cars are really amazing!
Sounds as though you are having a fab day, Margaret.
Here’s a new one from me, just listed!

Pam :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday Margaret!

Thanks Tessa, it was last Thursday, but I’m spreading it this year, I’ve been celebrating it for the last 10 days!lol

Fab cathedral Pam, so much detail! :smile:

Just a quick pop in I am having a mad busy day, coding a website for a new client so a bit busy …

I’ll do a quick wave to all … such lovely work today, really like your St. Paul’s Pam, great classic car Gaynor and a lovely scene Stephie :slight_smile:

Glad you got it OK Margaret and like it :slight_smile: how lovely to spread your birthday over a few days … enjoy :smile: and great you can now pop in during the day …

Hey welcome back daytime Margaret :smiley:

St Paul’s looks lovely Pam.

To go with my St. Paul’s ACEO, I’ve also painted the Royal Albert Hall. I went to one of The Proms and dodged the traffic to take a photo. I’ve finally got round to painting it!


Lovely Royal Albert Hall Pam…my brother sings in the last night of the proms as he is in the BBC symphony chorus…I have been, great fun but you see more of it on the tv as you cannot see all the “oddballs” from your seats…fab drawing…you all know how in awe I am of anyone who can do straight lines…lol
I have also been to the (almost) top of St Paul’s (as a child)…I remember my mum taking me to the whispering gallery…and then up to the top of the dome…I don’t think you can do that any more.??
Gaynor, don’t know what to say about the car…absolutely amazing…another clever person who can do straight lines…wow.
Stephie and Hazel, great work…waving.
Waving Margaret…glad you can join us during the day now…

Thanks, Brenda! We were lucky to have our seats upgraded at the Proms and ended up a couple of rows from the front, which was brilliant!
It must have been amazing going up to the top of the dome at St. Paul’s - I’ve only seen the outside. I’d like to go up to the Whispering Gallery though!

Albert Hall looks great Pam.

I’ve been painting with my new easel. Not sure yet if the roses I’ve done are good enough to show. I’ll try and finish it tomorrow.

Morning, I was sure I came and commented last evening, but can’t see anything, I know I definitely visited though as I admired Pams beautiful buildings, Gaynors fabulous Car, Brenda’s awseome cards, Stephies pretty garden and Hazels wonderful flowers - I’m clearly losing the plot lol!
anyhow, listed this one today