Weekly Art Chat w/c 30th November

Lovely work Kelly.

The company I work for has now put out a ban on people sending personal mail, particularly parcels, to the workplace, citing security concerns. After all, who knows what might arrive in a parcel. I can understand why, one of my many jobs is to collect the post for my team of 40 or so people, and sometimes the number of parcels I end up collecting is a bit ridiculous. In fact, I rarely deliver very much that is work related. On the other hand it will certainly put a stop to me buying anything online from now on. It’s not easy having things delivered to home, and it’s a pain having to collect things from the post office. Oh well, back to buying things from craft fairs for me then :frowning:

Hello everyone.
Welcome to the newbies, great work everyone. Really interesting work newbie Joe!

Obviously under the circumstances I haven’t been feeling very motivated but I’ve been trying to make a few bits today. I think I’ll be going through a marker and ink phase again in order to try and get my flow back.
I like this doodle:

Hi everyone.

Thank-you Margaret.

Great work Lowri.

Here is my listing for today…


Hi all. You’d be OK with ACEOS coming to your home letterbox wouldnt you Margaret?
Love that Kingfisher one Max.
Are any of you taking part in the SAA’s attempt to do a world record breaking show of ATCs
Both my classes have done them and some are sending them in amd I will too.

nice work Lowri and Kelly.

Yes Tessa, ACEOs would be OK, but I’m disappointed about the difficulty with other things.

Tessa yes I’m doing it with my group tomorrow - thanks for the reminder as I’d completely forgotten!

Welcome Joe, nice to see new work. Whatever you’re doing on the floor looks interesting - what techniques are you using?

Sending hugs Lowri <3

I’m super busy at the moment, I have 4 pet portraits to be getting on with plus Xmas pressies to sew for my offspring before they get back from uni…the first one is home on Saturday fpr the Xmas break.

Meanwhile…yay my new daylight lamp has arrived, I can take photos whatever the weather!

I painted this original miniature boat scene last week on location in Los Cristianos, Tenerife. The buildings are intended to give a feel for the area and are not an accurate representation - I chose 5 buildings at random for this scene. The boats are painted as they were - very brightly decorating the harbour.

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Yikes my sewing machine just blew up! It made a noise like a steam iron, fizzled for a short while and doesn’t smell too good. I’m really hoping I can get it fixed, it was my mums and was a good solid one.

Nice to see everyone busy. Sorry about your sewing machine Stephanie! I hope you can get it sorted… it’s a shame when that happens, especially after being so well behaved for some time. Gutted!

Love your pretty painting Kelever :smile:

Here’s a piece I made today:


Lovely work Lowri.

Sorry to hear about the sewing machine, hope you can get it fixed Stephie!

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Good morning, ah Stephie that’s a shame, hope you can get it fixed.

Lovely work lowri, I especially like the ‘secret women’s things’ my hubby would most definitrly agree!

Lovely scene Stephie, I visited Los Christianos, too I think we went back 2 or 3 times as well, nice area

Great work Kelly, especially love the pop of orange

Lovely soft fantasy painting Brenda, very mystical

I managed to paint 3 new birds in art club last night so will add those soon :slight_smile:

Forgot to say how much I love Stephie’s painting! Lovely scene.

Bit distracted with Dad not being well. He’s getting over the asthma attack he had earlier in the week, but for several nights now he’s lost control of his bowels, leading to severe embarrassment on his part and messy clean ups for us. We’ve got him some special pants now to help with the problem, but it’s so sad to see him struggling like this. It’s not very dignified, and Mum and me are having disturbed nights with his difficulties.

Sending special hugs Margaret…an awful thing to cope with.
Yesterday was not a good day and I now have even less faith in NHS…hubby went for his jab which was pre ordered from the doctor and when we got there (after a LOT of effort on our part) they said that they didn’t have the correct dosage for him so we have to do it all again next week !!!
Here is today’s listing

sending massive hugs to you both Margaret and Brenda. Margaret I hope your Dad settles soon, I can sympathise with my dads ailments he went though a dreadful time not being able to manage the toilet by himself it’s so heartbreaking to see loved ones struggle.


Ah Margaret that’s so tough for you all. I dread the day it happens to my Dad.

And Brenda you have my sympathy. We complain tonnes about you getting free prescriptions (and cheaper education and no potholes) in Wales, but I hear some dreadful things about your NHS services. I think on balance I’d rather pay and have a better service.

Iced coffee anyone? Just what you need on a winter’s day right?


Hiya All.

Great work everyone.

Thank-you for the kind comments on my little ACEO. I very much appreciate them :smile:

Here is my listing for today…



Good morning,lovely work Kelly it looks like a view into the ocean from a deep cave. I love an iced coffee Stephie :slight_smile:

just listed this one

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morning all…just opened the cutlery drawer and the handle snapped and came off …aaargh…can’t be fixed so I will have to buy a stick on one next time I go shopping (Wilco etc)
Here is my listing for today

Fab work everyone, love those birdies Max.

Dad had a better night last night, thankfully, so I went out to a Christmas Fair where I knew there would be an art stall.

This is what I bought, just a tad over ACEO size, but sold with the easels. I love them! The two left and centre are by Y M Szkwara and the right hand one is by Pam Frost, a FB friend of mine. Thought they’d make my room nice and festive! :smile:


Good morning, wow it’s blowy here gain today, off to The Range today for a browse ;)! they are cute Margaret. I love the candle one

lovely landscape Brenda

Just added this one

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