Weekly Art Chat w/c 30th November

The place to show and chat about art of all kinds, just jump right in everyone is welcome

Good morning everyone, ugh weather is dreadful again and I’m off to Worle every day this week! still my unicorn from yesterday has sold (I think) got a message asking to hold it for someone so hopefully it wil be off soon. I also added this one, yesterday

Morning everyone, still haven’t started painting yet, too much going on. Having a new door fitted today, there’s a very large hole in my house at the moment!. :slight_smile:

Love your unicorn Max, lovely blue!

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Hello all.

Beautiful work from you Max

Here is my listing for today…



great work everyone…here is my listing today

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Waving everyone, I’m freshly back from a super week’s walking holiday in Tenerife. The weather was amazing and there are plenty of volcanoes to walk up :slight_smile:

Awesome art on here and on last week’s thread. I only got one day to paint last week but I did quite a few (and varied) sketches around the town. I also attempted to paint on the 4 hour plane journey - not much though as my paints didn’t behave themselves at all at altitude. I’ll be writing a blog post on it when I get chance (and when my daylight lamp arrives for taking photos).

Margaret and Lowri I’m so sorry to hear of your respective sad news.

Max big congratulations on becoming a nana (or is it nain in Wales).

Daisy good luck with your door - what a day to be without one!

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Good morning, back to Worle today weather was awful yesterday but my gorgeous granddaughter was waiting for me last night and hubbys brother who I’ve not seen for about a year, so lovely to get home. Lovely to have you back Stephie, I used to enjoy our visits to Tenerife, especially the volcano trips, I think we also did an underwater trip in a submarine there, lots of fun and I’m glad you had a good time.

Lovely landscape Brenda, very peaceful
Flowers are fabulous Kelly very dramatic

Just added this little puffin

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welcome home STephie…I have visions of your paints as if on a satellite, floating in the air ha ha…
Great work ladies.
I have this new aceo plus a relist today

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Hiya all.

Welcome back Stephanie.

Brilliant puffin Max!

Here is my listing for today…



Fab work everyone.

Welcome back Stephie, from the pics on FB you had a great time!

My Dad isn’t well, he had an asthma attack in the night. Turns out he gave up using his inhaler a couple of weeks ago as he ‘couldn’t be bothered’! We called the doctor out to him, who introduced himself as Dr Powell, which Dad, being deaf, misinterpreted as Dr Bowel!! Fortunately the doctor was very understanding…:smile:


I shouldn’t laugh Margaret, but that is so funny…I sincerely hope though that your dad is ok…
I have a friends whose elderly aunt told everyone that she had syphillus ( not sure of the spelling) …in fact, she had cystitis…
I sold two crochet items on folksy today…all going well for a change…


evening all, lovely work Brenda and Kelly. Hope your Dad feels better soon Margaret, such a worry for you, but the Dr’s name made me laugh :smile: as well at the cystitis, my Dad was one for getting names wrong all the time used to make us giggle too :smile:

Brenda have sent you a message got my teeny tiny cardi today it’s adorable!

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I was busy working today. Got one painting done, another in the bin. The good one will be in my shop soon.

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Good morning, hello Joe, welcome to the thread. Love your painting.

Just listed this ACEO

welcome Joe…will take a look in your shop later…busy day today…
waving all…fab work
Have just done a relist

and a new one

Joe…nooooooo don’t put anything in the bin !!!

Hi Joe, welcome to the thread, nice work, though being a Northener I’m not much of a fan of London! :smile: What I really do like is that you offer your work on cards, for those with no hanging space or not too much money but want some of your work. Hope you show more of your work on the thread, it’s good to have variety.

Gorgeous kingfisher Max, the colours are so vibrant and the background is pretty too.

Beautiful landscape Brenda and pretty fantasy. Hope your busy day goes well.

I’m off work today, but am just on domestic duty with Dad being unwell. I’ll have to go shopping to stock up on supplies, but I’m hoping for some cross stitching time. My tigers are coming along quite quickly at the moment. I have a target of it being 3/4 done by Christmas.

That’s nice to hear, thanks a lot. I try to make pictures of the nicer aspects of London - rather than what turns people off - the overcrowding, expense and arrogance :smile:

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Not physically in the bin, just put to the back of my mind. It’s still lurking around the flat somewhere

Hiya all.

Great work everyone.

Thank-you for the kind comments.

Welcome Joe. Great work from you too.

I’m sorry to hear your news Margaret but I too couldn’t help but laugh either :slight_smile:

Here is my listing for today…
