So I applied to become a Pedddle member. I’ve had no confirmation that I’ve been accepted, but Pedddle followed me on Instagram and I have access to my stall /shop front - is this confirmation enough ? @OrukiDesign - as a member did you actually get a thumbs up saying they had accepted you ? I’ve tried looking for my stall but it doesn’t show up , as you can tell I’m am a bit confused
When did you apply? Just recently? Because I think applications are still open or have only just closed so they most likely won’t get back to you until they’ve closed and they have sifted through them. I’m assuming you only paid to do the Folksy market rather than applying for full membership originally since you mention paying £15.
Hi Suzanne, have you checked in your message requests in Instagram? Most communication is through a location hub in Instagram…Nicki puts everyone in a group with others in their region. If the Pedddle account has followed you then I think that means you have been accepted.
If you don’t have a request to join the Instagram hub then maybe just wait a couple of days, I think there’s only a couple of folks in the admin team. Hope that helps!
I did the same Suzanne- two day ago, I applied for the basic membership and read it will take a few days to confirm acceptance- I now have an email to this effect. I can see the dashboard and added photos etc but my understanding is, it may take a while to actually be seen on the site.
In addition, I have also requested to join the pedddle members IG account and not heard anything as yet- as @OrukiDesign has mentioned, it might take a few days for them to process- hope that’s somewhat reassuring!
Annie x
thanks , yes that is just what happened this morning, i found it in my requests (which disappeared yesterday!) I’ve been let into the inner circle
Thanks Annie, I applied for basic membership too , I think I’ve been accepted now as I’ve been added to the instagram members hub - it’s quite excting ! can’t wait for some markets to take part in .
I applied as soon as the applications opened ( yes I only did the folksy one before) , I think I’m just being a bit impatient as they have since said it will take time to get all the new stalls live
Yay, that’s great Suzanne, now you are ahead of me!
Yeah, I’m also looking forward to participating in that community also- something positive to start 2021 with!