Why did you buy that?

Im usually a solderer or a sewist, but Ive just bought some air dry clay.
I have no sculpting skills but have written a list on how I can use it for my crafty projects.
I wondered what item you have bought that’s extremely different to what you usually buy/use.

Spooky that you should ask this question @GrimmExhibition ! I have been sat here staring at some things I bought a few years ago, wondering if I should post them up for sale on Folksy.

I have about 45 lab-created gemstones and 12 brand new sterling silver chains. I made some into simple necklaces and offered them for sale when I have my high street shop but we only sold a couple so the rest of the sparklies went back into their packaging. Seems a shame to be considering packing them away again when someone could turn them into some beautiful jewellery items.

I love air dry clay, in fact I’ve just used the last of a pack and need more. I imagine it will come in really handy for your work.
I’ve often bought craft type things thinking ‘I may use that for something’ and luckily, I generally do find a use for it. :slight_smile:

I buy craft kits to try different things out and always end up back with fabric. I currently have a stained glass kit and a screen printing kit. I will try them but I seem to go through phases with my crafting. Keeps it very interesting though.:smile:

I bought some parchment craft tools etc last year to make parchment cards, but my hand shook so much when I was trying to do the delicate bits that I made a mess. Needles to say they were sold on the auction site, but at least I got back what I had paid. I think I will just keep sewing and sewing and sewing, I love it.

I buy all sorts of bits that I never use, I have a huge bag of felting fibres that I brought to make beads and haven’t touched. Thankfully I’ll be teaching textiles next year so I’ll be using them in lessons :slight_smile:

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