I’ve just taken some photographs with my iPad, so that I could list an item, but they wouldn’t load. I’ve never had this happen before. Anyone got any idea why? I do usually use my phone - is that the reason? Martine
My ipad is being rubbish too! Haven’t been able to use photos from ipad onto either folksy or Facebook for about a month. Soooooo frustrating. Am hoping someone, somewhere will sort soon
I’ve had the same problem and I was getting so frustrated with it I decided to contact support.
This is what they said.
1st reply.
I’m sorry you’re having problems. We’ve not been able to replicate the same error here so could you please try clearing your cache and cookies as it might be an error particular to your copy of your browser.
2nd reply
Are you using an iPad ? If so have you recently upgraded to iOS 8 ? We’ve just replicated a photo error on an iPad running iOS 8. Doug is looking into it but it may take a while to de-bug and so we would recommend you use another computer or device to list items on Folksy in the meantime. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience.
If you’re using a different device/operating system, please let us know.
3rd reply
Could you let us know which browser and operating system (including version numbers) you are using on your laptop so we can try to replicate the error from here?
In the end I gave up and switched the PC on and listed from there. I was also having problems with my laptop and still am.
Thanks - so frustrating, because they were such good pictures. I’ll have to do them tomorrow now, as the light is fading. Spent ages on the description too. Boo!
I’m on a number of other forums and lots of people at the moment are complaining about not being able to upload photo’s from their ipads while running iOS 8.
I had to upload iOS8 again yesterday and I think that has sorted the problem of loading photo’s on my ipad hopefully anyway.