Had a long weekend away with my OH- Ely, where the wonderful Cathedral was made even better with the addition of music- choirs (adults and children) and orchestras practicing for a concert. Went up the lantern tower, and saw the glass museum. Both a great experience. Wicken Fen, where we saw marsh harriers, and Saffron Walden on the way home (love the old buildings). Didn’t quite get away from the dreaded EU stuff, as we had the radio on quite a lot Glad others are keeping calm and carrying on…
Love and best wishes whatever way you voted…
Love and best wishes are the order of the day now,may they be returned to you threefold.
A few insects are trying to bully those here under a legaly binding agreement,they preach democracy and now need to practice it,all is normal in my town though,black man with white mates,white man with Asian girlfriend,different race groups just pass each other by.
I dont need to go far for Harriers,about 4 miles to the Fingrinhoe Wick. I would go to Saffron Walden a lot when I was a glazier and Thaxted a few miles away,those days they wouldn,t even allow electric street lamps,all gas,so much did they want to preserve the old theme,may have changed now…
A black and white cat comes into our garden and ripped a huge hole in a rubbish sack,my little cat bless him had a chicken bone in his mouth and was trying to pick up all the mess and put it back in the bag,he is such a thoughtfull little cat.
Had a great day,not, OHs old mark 3 z car is being dragged off for restoration,stood 20 years,all tyres flat,hanbrake siezed on as I yanked it on and forgot about it. I made loads of underbody panels but someone else can weld them on and do bodywork. I suppose I get caught for the mechanics as they were a car of my era and I know them back to front,upside down and sideways,who said a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? Too much is probably worse.Yesterdays dream,made to last 5 years max,from then on twenty quid second hand,you do the welding.
She loves the old rot box and so…
Ive been rubber stamping and then using holographic embossing powder, its sooo pretty. Im also watching the near 4 hour long film about Gandhi, very impressive so far, I really knew little about him and what he did. Im going to look at youtube clips of him
I know only a little of Gandhi,a good man to all intents and purposes.
I did the same as you after watching a movie about Field marshall Erwin Rommel, I looked him up and he may have had to wear the uniform but he was nothing like them,a knight,an officer and a gentleman.He even sent his enemies all of his surplus medical supplies he was so concerned about the pounding he was giving them.Even defied hitler as regards executing commando and jewish p.o.w,