About the Social Media category

Questions, tips and advice for using Social Media to promote your Folksy shop. Which channels (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, other) and type of content work for you? Which are less successful and why? Do you have a strategy for attracting and engaging new fans?

More tips for Social Media for designers and makers on the Folksy Blog


yes of course, promoting your products on multiple social networks and shopping sites helps to a great extent. Apart from regular channels (Fb, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest)…it is also best to promote on top social shopping sites like Wanelo, Polyvore, Fancy, WeheartIt, Keep, Shopcade etc…

Outfy helps to promote all your products to top 10 networks from a single central place. This increases your social reach , traffic and finally sales.

Hope this helps!

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Hi all, I plan on building a website eventually but for now all my social media points to etsy and now I’m thinking I should point it here. Does anyone else do that and find it better?