Am I just menopausal or is there something seriously wrong with the world we live in?!?!

I am at a stage when every single time I turn on the news, I find myself spewing expletives and asking “what the hell is wrong with people”??? Has the whole world gone mad, or am I just hormonal… I think I may be developing a pathological hatred of the human race.


As one menopausal woman to another, I think you may have to make a few (thousand) more of those!


It’s not just you Natalie. I feel the same, I just can’t get my head around anything that is going on atm. I feel like my brain is going to melt arghhhhh… I’m going to have to stop listening and watching for a while I think.


You don’t have to be menopausal to feel the whole world’s gone mad. I do think that older people are more tuned to it though, because we can remember a much more easy going time. There were problems, of course, and today we have a lot to be thankful for, but things are swinging way too much into places that seem to be causing more harm than good.


I see your item is sold out – will you be making anymore?

~ Little1


That sounds like a plan!


I think I may have to…!


I totally hear you!

also… I. haven’t thought of that rhyme in a long time, my brother taught it to me having seen it as graffiti on his junior school toilet wall :rofl:


I passed that age and still think the world is completely…well… exactly as it says on @LooneySpoons spoon. Don’t even get me started on the guy on your matchbox @Mungbean as words fail me…nowadays I live in my own imaginery world most of the time it’s much safer and calmer in there :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Its definitely not you Natalie. The most disturbing thing for me is that nobody seems to be doing anything about the orange idiot. :rage:


He’s not the only idiot in the world. There are others waiting in the wings in most democratic countries, either pulling strings from behind the curtains or jockying to get in power.

Including the UK.
We just don’t see a lot of it because we are the frogs sitting in the pan of water that’s being slowly heated up.


Totally agree with you. It’s really alarming and actually very sad. I was expecting it to be worse 2nd time around, but am shocked at just how bad it is! Thank goodness for the craftroom and a bit of escape from all the madness x


I am really worried for the world’s furniture. This horrible narcissistic man has the potential to do a lot of harm to the world! I am petrified of his power and why other world leaders together don’t put him in his place. The orange man has no right talking to the other narcissist without including the Ukraine prime minister in talks whom i admire for his strength and leadership to protect his country. As for Gaza the orange old man is trying to do what his new friend has done to the people of Ukraine! I hope the American people wake up and see what potential harm to the world they voted for.


I find it quite alarming that so many voted for him, they are totally brainwashed and as such I doubt will ever see what the rest of us do in him. Half the time he reminds me of a kid in a playground trying to get attention, it is frightening to think of the power he holds in his hands.
So, I will go back to my imaginery world that’s in my sewing room because it really is a much safer place.


Yep, the world has gone mad.


I’m hormonal as well and I’m a bloke! They all seem as mad as a box of frogs but hopefully only for four years


I am way past menopausal and haven’t listened to the news for years. I prefer to lead a happy life and enjoy what time I have here. What is the point in getting stressed or upset about things that you really cannot change ( well rarely). I would much prefer to help the people around me that I can see need help or support in some way. x


Debby, i agree, my knitting and jewellery world is also my happy place.


It’s the damage he can potentially do which possibly can never be reversed for our next generations in the world after his term in office that really worries me. It’s not just now in time that’s at risk but the worlds future over a longer period of four years.


I avoid watching the news as much as possible. My mental health can’t take it. I know me burying my head in the sand is not helping anyone, but the state of the world, and the speed at which it seems to be getting worse, has started to scare me.
I don’t know if it’s just because when I was younger we didn’t have all the worlds problems in our face on the interent all day every day that made it seem like it wasn’t so bad? Or is it really, genuinely mad now like it never was before?