Sorry Debbie but I really don’t think you should be accusing others of being selfish because they choose to run their shops the way they want to which differs from yours.
We all pay our fees to use the Folksy platform, we are all individual shops and customers of Folksy and to be honest those who sell the most are spreading the Folksy word better than those who don’t sell… so whatever helps to sell is good for all of us.
@SashaGarrett thank you forthat link. A greater understanding is needed so I can make improvements and be seen! Occasionally I relist 5 items at a time, at the moment I have been selling well at a regular market and find that I don’t have time to list new items as many are one offs and the sell quickly. I have only a couple of weeks left of markets and will go back to pushing for online sales. I do know I need to fine tune some titles so thank you for taking a look and highlighting a problem.
Thanks Sacha - that’s really useful info and the blog post is great. It’s still really difficult to make listing titles and descriptions sufficiently different for similar items - I’ll get there eventually I expect!
I was freely expressing my personal opinion Joy, which you’re equally free to disagree with
Indeed as was I. xx
but I do think that calling people out as Super selfish is not a very friendly way to do that
Sasha What ranking do tags, colours get in the search. I often want say red things perhaps for a collage. I used to easily be able to find on colour searches but no longer ?
PS I take back all criticism of Folksy search after trying to find a Rat fence topper on a site where I’ve previously bought a boxer and a badger. The word Decoration contains the word Rat… I am currently on page 10 and i suspect there are no actual rats
PPS I can find Rats on Folksy though sadly not the sort I want…
I’ve put copper in the search bar over the last few days everytime its the same shops taking up alot of the first pages have to scroll quite a way to find some different one’s
Tags got deprioritised in the rejig but do still count towards the search ranking. I’m not sure that colour or material tags even feature in the search ranking criteria any more. (runs off to do a test)
Right, I ran a search for lilac which gave 2981 results but if I click on the lilac colour tag I get 3384 results (403 more results). All the items at the top of the search had lilac in the title (rather a lot of scrolling and random clicking later), those at the bottom had lilac in the main tags and the colour tags.
(thinks of a more unusual colour)
Ran a search for apricot and filtered to just the jewellery - 17 results, last item in the search has apricot in the description but nowhere else. Apricot colour tag gives 27 jewellery items - the items that don’t come up in the other search have apricot as a colour tag but nowhere else in the description/ main tags/ title.
Conclusion - colour tags in isolation won’t get an item into the search results even if it matches the search term. Having the colour mentioned in the description and the colour tag gets you higher up in the search results than just in the description. I’m going to assume that I would get a similar result for the material tags.
Thanks Sasha I may recheck my titles as I list with this info to hand.
Given up for the moment on the Rat Fence topper. It was to be a joke present for Bob. We have rats in our garden as they have chickens next door . The rats live under my flower border our side of the fence and eat their dinner from the chicken feed on the other side …
The chickens are Dead . Got by a fox and I’m 99% they will not be replaced… so I thought a life sized metal rat on the fence would be rather funny . But only found a teeny baby mouse sized so far
I’m Folksy Plus and I mostly relist when things expire. This is mainly because I tend to make one off items that I don’t replicate. Or if I do a similar item it will always be slightly different so I have to take new photos anyway.
The re-listing function makes a difference in the gift guides and themes of the day. If you relist items they jump to the top. The webinars a couple of weeks ago gave some good info on how to write titles to be found in the searches.
My statistics has never been huge… Generally, it was ok. My store is tiny. I But now it is simply around zero. So I believe my story here will end soon.
But you don’t perhaps do what is needed on your own account to bring traffic in to your shop. ?
I can’t tell on your FB / IG as neither link goes anywhere. On Folksy sadly it is essential that we drag customers to our shops, kicking and screaming if necessary, if we are to get any views at all
This has made me go and look at my listings as I have relied on the colours I added to work in searches, I will now add more info in titles and the description and not rely on tags.
For that, I have my own shop. And I’ve spent some money to develop it. Generally, marketplace is a place to find some new clients. At least, I thought so.
I wasn’t querying that just pointing out your links are not working. Thought you might want to fix them as I always think it looks a little unprofessional to have broken links and your blog page shows you are anything but
PS That looks a lot better now your links work x
Wonder if it might be because there are so many ‘real life’ events on in November? I was at one last weekend and the weekend before and sales were good. Next weekend another one and then the Sunday after. If people can see ‘real things’ maybe that means they aren’t looking on line so much? Just a thought…
The great thing about renewing items bit by bit is their next renewal dates come up spread out too - I have only been relisting one or two at a time…but as I have been doing a lot of events recently I have been hiding stock too if I took it with me…
sorry - this was in reply to someone suggesting it’s not a good idea to do bulk relists…got it in the wrong place!
I think we were essentially saying the same thing
I totally hadn’t thought of the excellent knock on effect of spreading out the dates for the next renewal cycle - der!
That is not what my comparison year by year, month by month of online sales is telling me. It says that regardless of how well I am selling at my local markets, my online Folksy sales are way way down on any previous November.
I must though exclude 2011 as that November, just as our sales were going into overdrive, Folksy did an update which stopped customers, except the few on the really up todate Intenet Explorer, actually accessing our shops for about a month. My sales stats show that one too !