Art chat 12th to 18th October

This is the place to share and chat about art, everyone welcome!

I’ve been in town today and tried a new coffee. Very delicious it was too!


Nice! I used to love painting with coffee, haven’t done it in a while, maybe it’s time for another go!
I’ve been trying to catch up with everyone’s work, it’s good to see everyone’s been busy :smile:

I’ve finally had to be chance to work on something new. I’ve been busy sorting my prints out but have finally got them online!

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Hiya all.

My latest work is of a Pom Pet Critter Christmas decoration.To see my little critter, please feel free to check it out by visiting my shop and clicking on “Christmas Critters”. :slight_smile:

Morning everyone!, I’ve finally started on my painting this morning, didn’t get chance last week as family things took over. Not sure it’s going the way I’d like (I always think that! :slight_smile: ) but I’ll see how it evolves.
Love the coffee @StephanieGuy Stephanie and love the new work @twinkleandgloomart. Great to get your prints online, there’s always so much to fit in the day, I find.
Enjoy your day :slight_smile:

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Fab work all! :smile:

Hey-after a bit of advice. I’ve been thinking about ACEOs and wondered if there’s a rule on what sort of card you paint/draw on?
I like using scraps of mount boards for my images because there’s no wrinkling…
Would this be considered too thick for ACEO’s?

I just measured one and I’d say it’s between 1mm + 2mm thick.

Lowri, they can be any thickness you like as long as it’s 2.5x3.5 inches in size :smile: I’ve very recently bought an ACEO box canvas from Stephie, so it’s not thickness that counts.


Ah fantastic! Thanks @Louisa15 :smiley:
Perhaps that’s what I’ll get on with today then. :smiley:

looking forward to see your aceos Lowri…
I have been painting today…I just need to take some photos …

It’s on its way Margaret, just caught today’s post :slight_smile:

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Just listed my cortado from this morning


insert your own expletive here I’ve lost a pile of greetings cards. I simply cannot find them anywhere. I’ve just trawled through my shop to remove them from sale, I hope I’ve caught them all. :confused: I still have a few of my Ormskirk based scenes, but have completely misplaced all of my A6 sized cards. Pffft.

Hope you find them Stephie, so frustrating to lose things.

Good morning, just dancing by to wave hi to everyone :wave:. Lovely work all.

Oh dear Stephie, how frustrating, hope you find them soon.

Lowri I often do my ACEO’s on mount board use offcuts from book covers, looking firward to seeing them.

Back to Worle again today, terrible journey yesterday took just over 2 hours to get there, normally only takes an hour, hope it’s better this morning.

hope your journey is better today Max…
Stephie…bet you find them once you don’t want them !!
Waving good morning to everyone.
I have another fantasy painting today.
This one was done by spooning washing up bubbles onto the card, then dropping wet paint onto the bubbles and leaving it to dry…then adding the tree and butterfly…


Morning gang :smile:

That’s a really interesting technique Brenda with very beautiful results - happy adventures!

I wanted one of my cards to give to the new neighbours - I’ll either have to draw one or buy one now :confused:

Eek Max that’s not a good journey, hope today’s was better.


Fab work girls. Stephie my box canvas ACEO has arrived and is GORGEOUS! the colours are superb! The carnation is beautiful too, thank you! :smile:

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Maraget I’m so glad you like it! I always try to understate my art on line and then it’s a delight to receive.

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Nice work Stephanie and Brenda :smile:

Here are my first ACEO’s, I’m going to cut more board to size later and make some more, these where very impulsive, but then, so are all my pieces.
Will list these late today too.


Fab work Lowri, they look great on that blue-grey background too.

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