Art chat week commencing Oct 26th

good morning all.
Here is the place to chat about all art related items and to show your work.
I’ll be back later with a listing…

Good morning waving hi to everyone on the train to Chippenham today and then off to take some paintings up to an exhibition and see what the others from art club have put in :smile: have a lovely day all

Good monring :slight_smile:

I’m updating my photos this morning (booo what a boring job). I’ve decided that since some people really don’t like the wooden backgrounds, I need to get rid of them…quite a job!

Here’s the first

Hi everyone, just arrived home after a few days away in Exeter. I agree @StephanieGuy photo’s can be a boring job. I’ve recently bought a new camera and have been gradually taking new pic’s of all my ‘stuff’ and updating them in my shop. Still many. many more to go, it’s going to take some time… :neutral_face:

Waving hello to everyone. It’s quiet in here this week!

I’ve bought myself a mini mitre box, some new junior hacksaw blades, some wood glue and a strip of beading, and am in the process of making an aceo frame. Very exciting!

While the wood glue dries, here’s my latest listing

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Morning all, the sun is shining here in South Wales…time for some painting

Fab work everyone. Brenda I love the mountain effect you’ve got with the clingfilm background, very effective.

Stephie, I’m loving these fiery silhouhettes, have you done a bat one yet?

Hi Tina, hope you’re enjoying taking all those photos!

Waving Max, don’t work too hard! :smile:

it’s month end for me at work which means all the timesheets have to be in by noon, busy busy!

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Yes, I did the bat this morning and am about to take some photos and list it, along with Mr Pumpkin and a firey lady who just appeared on her own!

Meanwhile, here’s how I made my new mini frames. Once I’ve made a few more I’ll be offering some miniatures framed.

Here are the bats

and Mr Pumpkin

and a mysterious lady who just appeared as I was painting

and my shop has a new temporary banner


The bats are fab Stephie!

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Thank you, it was a great idea :slight_smile:

evening all, just back from Pontypool today, tomorrow it’s back to Chippenham, then I have 2 weeks working much closer to home including a few days off on leave yay!

fabulous work Brenda, I love your clingfilm mountains, loving the firery theme Stephie, and I saw your women at work on FB earlier great way to show off your construction work lol! :smile:

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Hello everyone, I haven’t caught up with the last thread, life went a little manic for a while but things are looking better now although it’s taken it’s toll on my creativity. I’m desperately scribbling in my sketchbook to try and keep it going. I’m happy with this little paint and pencil girl I painted on wood last night though.

High Five for your days off Max!
Love the new pieces from everyone too. :smile:
I’ll get back into the swing of commenting when I get the time :slight_smile:


Hello everyone.

Just popping in to check on my shop and yes today is the day … It’s all expired, I haven’t decided if I should close down fully or leave it empty for a while in case anything changes. I don’t think it will - it’s been fun here on folksy and I’ve had 126 sales in just over 4 years which is great but as I have sold that many in other places online in the past 6 months it’s time to move on. Plus it will make my stock taking simpler too !!! Well for now anyway - I am looking at another outlet online too though.

I’ll still pop in from time to time to see your lovely art, your lady is fab Lowri and I saw your frames on FB Stephie - they are fun. Hubby occasionally makes me frames for my dolls house art, lovely to have a unique frame to go with a unique painting, tricky thou with mitred corners and such tiny rebate wood :slight_smile:

Catch up with you all over on Facebook I’m sure.

Best wishes


Hi Hazel! :smile:

Lowri those eyebrows are amazing! :smile:


I have a hate thing about eyebrows…I always have tweezers and scissors at the ready ha ha.
I have just been sorting out my items that were about to delist and spent 10 mins relisting a cartoon, then couldn’t find it, only to discover that it was one that had sold. I WISH the website didn’t show sold items as “about to delist!”…very confusing. Good job I have everything catalogued and in specific boxes…so the panic didn’t last for too long !!
My son is here for a few days, so painting will be limited, but I still have loads waiting to be listed.
Today I have a seascape…

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Thanks @Louisa15 and @HazelRayfield . :smile: Sorry to see you leave but you have to do what’s best for you :smile:

Haha! I think we’ve had this discussion before @teabreaks, I’m not an eyebrow fan either- I think a tidy natural brow is the way to go- none of this filling in or angular ffaff.


I’ve not done anything other than wash my eyebrows for years! I forget I have them!lol

when I was younger I used to pluck my eyebrows but after a while they stayed in the shape I wanted…so I no longer have to do it…sorted…
I HATE men’s bushy eyebrows with a vengeance…aaargh…lol…
If I ever meet any of you watch out for my tweezers…ha ha…
I think it is the artist in me…I love them to have a nice shape…
Managed 4 aceos this afternoon, as we are dog sitting tomorrow and I know I won’t be able to paint as he will knock the water over…
Also our son is here for a few days from Scotland, so lots of chatting…and he bought me a box of ferero Rocher…nom nom…Luckily Kelly doesn;t like chocolate !!!
I listed a baby cardigan in my shop today…I love crochet and spent most of my life desigining and making garments both knitted and crocheted but I am much happier painting now. I am only doing a few bits in the evenings when the light is poor.


Evening all waving hi :wave love your girl Lowri, I much prefer the natural look too but I like to be tidy :wink: had a few painting sales this week so happy bunny!

Ah Brenda that’s the only thing I miss from our caravan the sea views, lovely, enjoy your chocolate and visit with Simon. Love the new knits too :smile:

Sorry to see you go Hazel but will keep up to date on FB

Hey Margaret hope work is calming down a bit, after tomorrow I have a few days off which I’m really looking forward too, keep an eye out for a sewing project I’ll be working on next week :smile: