Can someone explain #hashtags!

i have always wondered how these hashtag things work? Could someone enlighten me?
Have they helped with your reach on social media?
I know I am late to the party but hope someone can help!
Emma x

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this might help :smile:

Hi Emma

I use Instagram quite abit and I find Hash tags really important. Basically, if I was looking for photos of a specific thing I would search for example : handmade
All the photos people have posted with that hash tag will appear for me to browse. If that person hadn’t added hash tags they wouldn’t get many views other than their followers.

I try to think of quite a few for each photo to try and find people who would be interested in the type of jewellery I make. I think Instagram is my favourite social media site.
I use twitter too, but I don’t quite understand how hashtags work on there.

I asked the question earlier about hash tags on Facebook in another discussion. I was wondering if using them would broaden the reach of viewers when using a page to showcase what we make. I’ve not had a lot of joy so far with Facebook, but I know some people love it. I was wondering what I’m doing wrong.

Hope this helps



Thanks for explaining Karen. I haven’t got into using Instagram yet, but intend to and your comment will help. I do use Pinterest and was googling for advice on hashtag use there. Not terribly helpful. Info that i could follow (sort of) is here Off now to search for its use on FB

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Thats an interesting article thanks x

Thanks Margaret I’ll check it out x