Changing web browser from explorer to chrome

I am in the process of creating a blog it is saying that my web browser explorer is not supported, should I change to Chrome? Is this easy to do? and more importantly will it cause problems with anything else for example would I loose my favourites bar or have problems logging into any other sites? As you may gather I’m lacking in confidence to do it!
Forgot to add I am using windows seven on a lap top, if that is helpful!

Yes, it’s easy and you can keep both browsers on your computer.

To import your favourites, see this link

Just install Chrome (I use Firefox) import your Favs from Explorer…you will still have Explorer available to go back to whenever you like x

It must be easy, I managed it! I find Chrome much better than IE as well.

You can have as many browsers as you want installed on your computer and use them all if you like. Some people swear by one while hate others. Personally I just use Safari on my phone and Mac and haven’t had any issues.
But yeah- as you’ve experienced some things aren’t compatible with some browsers for some reason. Is it worth using a blog that is accessible on all though? As it may also not be accessible to some viewers? Just a thought.

I installed Firefox on my Mac just for blogging etc. For some reason Safari doesn’t like me uploading photos to many places and even Facebook (but only on my page) doesn’t run very well but I don’t want to abandon it completely.

Hi @tangledtendrils Yes, it’s easy to install. I have chrome and firefox set up on my PC as I work with some websites that work better in chrome and some which work better on firefox. I just switch between the 2 when I need to.

Thank you all for your replies and advice, with your help I have managed to do it! and all seems ok. What a great forum!


I have a little programme called Chrome UA Spoofer that allows you to surf the net in any browser or phone:
Internet Explorer
Windows Phone

I find it great when listing as I can see how anyone views my listing on phones,etc. and adjust the listing as needed. I think it really helps to ensure that all platforms are optimised. I can’t remember where I got it but I am sure you could find it by alphabeting it

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I did it and if I can do it anyone can do it as I don’t really have a clue !!