Comfort food

For me it’s either leek and potato soup or a curry in this weather.

Keep warms Folks.

What’s your comfort food?


Home made chicken soup, I love it! It’s especially good this time of year :smile:

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I love making homemade soups - vegetable soup is my favourite with potato and leek a close second.

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Mine is a nice chicken casserole. Nice warm and filling yummy
(now I’m hungry:-))

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I had a fancy for lasagne the other night and did a dish big enough for ten people. So there is more of that tonight. Love it.

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Lasagne, That’s a great idea :thumbsup:

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Corned beef hash (not very healthy I know)


Chocolate and crisps :blush:


Chrissy, I’d need a veggie option :wink:

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Today I’ve made a vegetable soup from a recipe in my head.
Yvette, you put the idea into my head.
I’ve added some peal barley to it which seems to work rather well.

note to self… buy more pearl barley

I’ve just made roasted aubergine and tomato soup and wheat free rye soda bread. Yummy!! Even my son ate some! All from Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s new book Light and Easy for wheat and dairy free cooking.


Sausage casserole is one of my Hubby’s favourites, I make it with whatever sausages I have (I’ve even made it with veggie sausages) tinned tomatoes, tinned kidney beans (or other beans) and whatever veg is lurking in the fridge (carrots, mushrooms, parsnips or squash are all tasty) then about 15 mins before we’re ready to eat I place sliced french bread on the top drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle on grated cheese (whatever is left in the fridge) then put it back in the oven to melt/brown the cheese. It’s one of those recipes that seems to vary every time I make it but it’s delicious all the same :slight_smile:


Chocolate all the time :slight_smile:


Hot Pot (lamb, carrot, turnip, onion, black pudding and potatoes), does it every time for me. Living in the Lake District we call it a Westmorland taitty pot, I understand they make something similar in Lancashire :wink:

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I’m surprised that most people who have commented have put healthy, wholesome, low calorie, good for you food as there comfort food. I wish this was my sort of comfort food then I wouldn’t have to spend my life on a diet :frowning:

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I’ve not mentioned my cheese habit yet Sam :slight_smile:

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