Just wanted to say Hi again and good Friday evening all after a super busy week I can say hallo again. Hardly time to sit down today so now I am wondering what have you all been up to latley? having hot chips and fish for supper what are you all eating tonight?
We have had ours…chilli chicken, peas and chips
I have had a lazy day, couldn’t get motivated to do much
Good Evening,
Haven’t yet decided on what to have for tea - we have the start of a glut of courgettes from the allotment so it will probably involve those (planning on making courgette soup for lunch tomorrow). You have now planted the idea of chips in my brain so might have to have some of those as well.
Been anywhere exotic this week?
@FayeHuxham Now you are confusing me! I thought you were shutting shop in your earlier post this week?! Your tea sounds good tonight
@LynnroseDesigns Chilli chicken sounds lovely too !
@SashaGarrett courgette cake is lovely for your glut of courgettes!
@sejleather would that be Nigella’s recipe with the lime curd filling and cream cheese frosting?
@SashaGarrett STOP IT! STOP IT! yes! I need to make it now! Its very green but very nice
I had fried eggs and a big pile of veg. Finishing off with options hot choc
I haven’t eaten yet but I’m having Chinese tonight. x
I had ravioli on toast! Classy. I do like the sound of courgette cake, it makes me wish we hadn’t eaten all the ones straight off the plant lol
Good evening! I’m having a chilled wind down evening after a fairly busy week crafting…this evening I had pork chops with pesto pasta and sweet corn
Pretty much left overs from last night!
Hmm courgette cake sounds interesting…
I’ve been photography stock all day, had chipotle chicken and salad for dinner but probably gonna have a chilled evening as it’s now 9pm!!! Corgette cake sounds good!!
fI went to Hawaii after Japan lovely !