Do you have Instagram or Tiktok or Facebook Page?

I think it is good idea let to know each other Instagram or Tiktok? And we can follow each other and support each other? :smiling_face:

And maybe do some hashtag? As I was checking and it is not much using for Folksy hashtags, as we should show people that Folksy does exist! :smiling_face:

My instragram is

Show yours, will be lovely support each other!
Have a lovely day :heart: :heart: :heart:


Hi Kristyna, I am not on Instagram or TikTok, but followed you on Facebook. This is my FB Page The Sloth's Cavern.

Take care,
Mina x


There is a thread for leaving you insta links, also one where it was mentioned about using the hashtag #folksy5aday so we can find each other and comment and support each other

Hope this helps


Hello Mina @theslothscavern , yes, I just followed you back. Thank you and have a lovely day! :heart:

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Hello @CrochetandI

Alright, good to know. I will use these hashtags then. Thank you :heart:

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I don’t use TikTok, and am still getting to grips with Instagram, but do have a couple of Facebook pages :slight_smile:
I admire those who can cope with multiple social media platforms!

This is my main page:

And this is my newer page, for my books:

And I’m not even sure I’ve managed to post those links correctly!


Lovely @DandelionsGallery :heart: I am following you! Thank you :heart: :smiling_face:


I use Instagram and Facebook, I find Instagram gets more action.
My Instagram is


Hello @pamadoodle, Thank you, I am following you! :smiling_face: :heart:

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Hello, here are my social media platforms - I think you already follow me on some. I just followed you on all. I don’t always have the time to look properly who is following me so I don’t always follow back straight away, but when I do have the time, I go through some pages and I like their creations and follow them. I also buy from them, too :slight_smile:

Also, I didn’t know about the #folksy5aday so I will definitely use it and search for other Folksy makers through it.

Have a lovely day!

Teodora x

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Hi everyone, I added you on my fb page and on instagram, maybe we can help each other to advertise ourselves especially for me as I’m just starting out.
If you want to add me, I will attach the links below. Hello and thanks

@ marcobox_creations


Hi Marco, followed back and spread some :heart: and comment. I’m not on Instagram though. Good luck with both of your pages, it needs a lot of work but it will start paying out :upside_down_face:

Hi, I saw that you started following me and I thank you

Sure I have many social media accounts

Following you on all three platforms :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Krystina, here are my links to Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. I try and hashtag Folksy as much as I can, especially on TikTok.


My instagram is here.


If you follow me I’ll follow you.


Hello hello :wave:t2::hugs:


I’ve just joined instagram - whoop whoop!
Now, how do I load up my page… yes it worked!

I’m also on FB The Old Button

Not attempted TicTok yet!

I’ll work my way backwards over the next week to follow everyone…

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