Thank you for pointing out the copyright problems - I really hadn’t considered it, so I’ve removed the pics before I get into trouble x
They are very nice but have you considered the copyright implications of making money from Dr Who? Unless you’ve applied and been granted permission to make Dr Who related goods then you run the risk of being in trouble for copyright infringement. If you’ve already got the legal permissions necessary then it’s OK and I’d make that clear in your descriptions, but if not I wouldn’t offer these for sale!
I too love Peter Capaldi he’s my favourite Doctor since David Tennant, I was never convinced about Matt Smith and although I do embroider Dr Who things for friends and family , I haven’t sold any due to copyright worries as Margaret says it’s a minefield of legal rubbish so it’s just best not to
Donna x
Margaret is correct about not being legally able to sell your Dr Who items but it’s Trademark violation rather than Copyright violation. The BBC hold the Trademark Licence for Doctor Who.
You glasses are very nice but will get you into trouble should you try to sell them. The Trademark owners ie the BBC can not only simply tell you to remove the items via a Cease and Desist letter they can get your shop shut down and worse sue you for Trademark infringement.
I named a bracelet after the can can place in Paris and recieved a scary letter and email telling me to stop selling it/using its name.
Love the glass my the way. Where on earth do you get jars with handles?
Ive watched most of DW since it restarted. I like all the doctors but only David Tennent has made me cry…bucket loads.
It was those big brown puppy dog eyes I think, he was the best doctor ever!
I believe the BBC/Dr Who people are very hot on sending out cease and desist letters.
Oo er - hadn’t really considered that - perhaps I’ll just remove them before I get into trouble - thanks for the heads up!
I love the drinking jar concept its fab, but I agree with others about using images that are owned. Its a tad dodgy.
I would personally stick to designing your own images.
They probably do prove to be more popular with well known images on them, I’ve seen quite a few sellers here doing very well creating products with an array of copyrighted/trademarked themes, but crikey what a risk to take. It could prove very costly in the end
I know one of the sellers you mean Karen. They are forever in the best sellers list using copyrighted/tradmarked images in their items. Catch 22 really. You will sell well using the copyright images because you’ll be using them because they are popular. But selling well makes you more noticeable, and that also means to the people these large brands use to find anyone in breach of their rules. I should think it’s a nice little revenue stream in itself prosecuting copyrighters so it’s worth their while to employ people to scour the web. Definitely not a risk I’d take reading some of the stories of ordinary crafters owing large sums of money after being caught out.
I hadn’t considered it, but anyway, I’ve removed them now - the shortest lived product I’ve ever made! x
It’s probably best Monique. And I know you are very good at coming up with your own original designs, I’ve used enough of them in my blogs and Pinterest collections .
Aw thank you