Lots to read here, must get busy and put it into action! I’ve been with Folksy for about 4months and haven’t sold anything, so i’m going to try some of these techniques to get seen more, wish me luck
Thank you everyone! I have been on Facebook for a while but I an still trying to get to grips with it so this thread is really useful. I have just installed woobox on both my pages (thank you Leanne) and changed my woobox picture (thank you Susan), I even put ‘My Folksy Shop’ on the picture so I am feeling very pleased with myself!
Rosalind x
I recently bought a bookzine, Make and Sell Crafts. It has inspired me to try to get my mojo back. It suggests SWOT, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. So I am looking at myself and my makes with this in mind, and thinking more about how I do things. My shop has dwindled, as I am not happy with it (my weaknesses, bad photos). So I am rethinking, and rethinking and hopefully at the end of the thinking process and doing something my shop may look a bit more inviting. If not I shall send all my stuff to the charity shop and do something else. Marg. x
Can’t resist showing off the cute woobox facebook shop button I made in photoshop, the crown was a free download, don’t remember where I found it…
Very nice, Susan. Suits your shop
I’m going to miss those tabs and being able to put your own pics on them. I’ve got all my shops on tabs with matching pics that match my banner. It’s like an extra design feature to brand your business page a bit and make it appealing to visit. The new business pages are very… well business like.
Just popped onto your facebook page, it’s lovely!
I’'m pretty sure you can add a matching style pic in the same way to your Etsy shop, if you wanted. That’s what I did. Just go into the app and edit settings the same as you did with the Woobox one.
Wow, this thread has really taken on a life of its own. Didn’t realise what a can of worms I was opening. Great information on here - thanks so much everyone. I, too, had not heard of Woobox - will investigate!
well I opened my shop at the beginning of the month and haven’t had a single sale. That and the lack of views made me feel very disappointed as I thought it must be because my work is rubbish. Reading these post however has cheered me up a little as it does seem to be a general lack of interest on Folksy at the moment. Having said that since I started joining in on the Forum chats I have had an increase in views. Plod on we must
@PaperDaisyCardDesign - good luck with funding uni for two more!
I’ve got one son who is in his final year at uni and each year that he’s been there ha cost me more and more )
Rollon graduation - although then I may be funding his accommodation!
Sarah x