Expanding my product range

Morning everyone.
Can I be cheeky and do a little bit of market research with you. (I hope this is OK and even in the right shop section!) At the moment my shop is predominantly small item pyrography and collage art however I want to start making some bigger pyrography gift items. I have some gift set ideas in mind but can I ask, If you were in the market to buy a wooden product gift, what would it be and what sort of design would you like?

If anyone else has the same sort of question I’d be happy to offer some suggestions back.
Thanks for reading my post.

I visited a faery festival in Glastonbury last year and purchased my Mum and Mother in Law some pyrography bookmarks. They were really thin wooden feather shapes, with the pyrography, and then a little stand that was recycled wood (the seller was https://www.instagram.com/cedarwoodarts/ if you want to see what I mean). He did them in frames too and they were gorgeous

Wooden bangles, earrings, beads, flowers, 60’s designs :slight_smile:

I’d like things to go on my wall. Wall art or frames

Thanks for the suggestion, The pyrography in the link you sent was great Bookmarks have definitely made it on to my new product list.

Thanks for the suggestion, I love wall art, I’ve combined my pyrography with my collage work already but I think its time to do some larger pyrography art.

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Like this one as well, definitely worth a try. Thanks again :+1:

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