Facebook odd messages

Hi - I’ve noticed the last week or so that I’ve been getting prompts from Facebook saying my page readers haven’t heard from me for a while so why don’t I write a post. The thing is, my last post was this morning, so I’m not sure why it’s saying this. I used to get message like this if I hadn’t posted for four or five days, but 10 hours seems a bit excessive. Does anyone else get these prompts??

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Yes Heidi, I’ve been getting that too. It’s been happening regularly for few weeks now. Sometimes I’m getting them only a couple of hours after posting! Very strange!

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Ah - it must be a bug then. Hopefully it’ll get fixed in a few days. :). I was beginning to feel a bit pressured - maybe they want us to post every couple of hours??!!

I posted to fb yesterday and a few hours later was prompted. I just ignore. :nerd_face:

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I’ve had the messages too for about a week now.

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I just ignore them. Usually get one after I’ve had a post with a good reach. Even more annoying are those which suggest that my post has a better reach than usual so would I like to boost it.

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Ah yes, those ones annoy me particularly when the numbers don’t seem right. It’s often “better than 95% of your posts” (even on one with hardly any views/likes), and then one that’s actually doing really well will only get “better than 65%” or something like that :confused:

Luckily I haven’t been getting the “haven’t heard you for a while” ones excessively, just about once a week per page (and I still ignore them then).

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And another thing is the notifications that say someone (or a list of people) has liked your post, encourage them to like your page. You then go onto the list of people and they have all liked your page already!!?

Trouble is, each of these points can be ignored in isolation but together they add up to me not believing any of the data and therefore being put off boosting posts etc, because, quite frankly, I don’t believe their stats so how can I judge whether something is worthwhile or not!!


i get them also…x amount of Bearlescent followers havn’t heard from me etc etc and constantly being asked to boost my page…at a cost obviously…of which i ignore.
I had a similar one in instagram today from some company asking to share to get at least 100 likes oer picture from $5…not uk based…

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