CHello and welcome the Folksy 365 Daily Listing challenge and to all those taking part :). Joining in is super easy just:-
List your item and add your link, either just the URL copied and pasted or use the upload button to add a clickable picture.
Click on all of the links to view each other’s items, to ensure we all have good viewing figures
Promote in whatever way you can/are able to and use the #Folksy365 tag to help other members find you. Promotion of everyone else is not compulsory, but we do appreciate it, pin, blog, share, tweet, like, whatever you can do to get the word out about Folksy is great
Let us know when you have a Folksy sale, so we can celebrate and happy dance with you.
You must be prepared to join in regularly throughout the month - missing the odd day is fine and of course joining in for part month is fine also, we understand not everyone can be here very single day, but please do not ‘post and run’.
I will endeavour to keep a tally of the month’s sales. Please let me know if I miss any. Sorry! Only Folksy sales can be added to the tally but happy to hear about and celebrate outside successes with you.
Good morning Happy Easter everyone and welcome to the April 2018 daily listing thread, wishing you all lots of lovely sales this month. Please note I have now changed shop names so you will need to tag @MaxPringJewellery for your sales
Happy dancing for sales yesterday Caroline, Patricia, Sarah, Sue and there was one for me too.
I shall stop lurking and join in proper as I can do most of the month (fingers crossed it will be better than last month as lots of you seemed to have crappy stuff going on). I actually listed my stuff at the beginning of the bank holiday in the hope that there might be some shoppers about and maybe this will encourage them out of hiding…
I’ve pretty much managed to match this up to the colour charts for Vauxhall Victor and Viva cars in 1974, I found scans of the old advertising brochures on line and they are soo funny.
Morning all,
Thanks Max for continuing the thread.
Happy Easter everyone. I’ve had a crazy couple of days, my daughter is back from London for Easter, we picked her up from Oxford on Friday. We went to the Pitt Rivers Museum and had a look round the indoor market, which was lovely. But we were so short of time we didn’t do anything else. Yesterday we spent the day in Leicester, as she’s not been for a while. She only has two more weeks of the placement, then 2 months to find, except she has been offered two months so all is fine.
My other daughter is coming round today, so it will be busy. Two more sales to add to the tally please Max @MaxPringJewellery
Today’s listing, is just an old one, I haven’t anything new at the moment.
Good morning all…a very Happy Easter to everyone.
Well done on all those brilliant March sales and here’s hoping for a brilliant April
Today, to start off the month, I have something totally different.
I was sorting out my crafts and came across this needle punched cat motif.
I made loads of these when I was machine knitting and would stick them on the fronts of jumpers using copydex glue (Machine washable).
This one must have been left behind, so I am offering it for sale.
Happy Easter all, lovely sunny day but very chilly and DRY
Thank you once again Max @MaxPringJewellery for sorting us all out you are a star AND amazingly - not an April fool lol - I woke to 10 sales this morning Yay!!!
Only 7 more to reach my 600 sales
Here is mine for today
Enjoy lots of chocolate today, I have just had a coffee and an Easter biscuit yummy