Hello and welcome the Folksy 365 Daily Listing challenge, I’m your stand-in host for this Month. Taking part is really easy, just:-
List your item and add your link, either just the URL copied and pasted or use the upload button to add a clickable picture.
Click on all of the links to view each other’s items, to ensure we all have good viewing figures Promote in whatever way you can/are able to and use the #Folksy365 tag to help other members find you. Promotion of everyone else is not compulsory, but we do appreciate it, pin, blog, share, tweet, like, whatever you can do to get the word out about Folksy is great
Let us know when you have a Folksy sale, so we can celebrate and happy dance with you.
You must be prepared to join in regularly throughout the month - missing the odd day is fine and of course joining in for part month is fine also, we understand not everyone can be here very single day, but please do not ‘post and run’.
I will endeavour to keep a tally of the month’s sales. Please let me know if I miss any. Sorry! Only Folksy sales can be added to the tally but happy to hear about and celebrate outside successes with you.
Thank you so much Sarah @thedotterypotter for being the host of the thread this month!
Hope everyone has a fabulous month of listing promotion and sales!
My item to start of the month of May for me is this pretty and dramatic Purple and Black Fancy Agate Gemstone keyring or Handbag Charm.
Good morning, just wanted to stop by and wish you all a happy sales filled month and thank you Sarah @thedotterypotter for putting on the dancing shoes, much love to you all xx
Hiya Sarah @thedotterypotter thank you so much for hosting the thread this month.
Apologies to all for my absence last month I won’t bore you with all the gory details, but I had to come off one of my medications and for a few weeks I had terrible withdrawal symptoms, but I am getting back to normal now and hoping to complete a whole month of Folksy listing
Sending love and hugs to everyone especially Max and her family
Here is my first listing for May a pink toadstool pin cushion have a lovely day everyone xxx
Good Morning everyone I’ve got tap shoes, jazz shoes, ballet shoes, aerobics trainers (from 1986) and even a pair of ice skates for very special sales dancing celebrations…think I’m all set to go!
Thanks for your good sales wishes Max @MaxPringJewellery - thinking of you and your family, sending you lots of love xxx
Welcome back Sharon @OhhhWhatAYarn…sounds like an awful time for you…you were missed and it’s lovely to see you back xx
Please everyone, give me a prod if I miss anyone’s sales…I am a bit worried that I’m going to overlook one!
My listing today is another little blue folk heart:
Thank you, Sarah @thedotterypotter! More virtual hugs to you, Max @MaxPringJewellery. X
Another re-list from me today. Come on Sales Fairy - I know you just adore unicorns!
Good afternoon all hope it’s alright for me to join in again this month, I’m hoping i can make the whole month this time. I wont bore you with the details as I am sure you are just as fed up with hearing them as I am with saying them. Suffice to say I’ve had a very bad few weeks and thought that if I can try to get back to as normal as I can it may make me feel a little better.
Thank you Sarah for hosting the party for this month, I sure you wont miss anyone.
Sending virtual hugs and lots of love to you and your family @MaxPringJewellery hope to see you back soon. xxxx
Today I have a couple of knitted head bands for baby and a pair of crystal earrings.
I’m back after going AWOL last week. I was working on an order which resulted in three sales and, because I needed to explore various options, in some additions to my WiP/stock. It’s been great fun but took up my time. I shant manage to stay the course for the whole of May but I will do what I can.
Thanks to @thedotterypotter for stepping into the breach here.
Today I have a new listing
Hi everyone.
Thanks for running the thread Sarah @thedotterypotter
Sending you and your family lots of love Max @MaxPringJewellery
Not getting much made at all at the moment . Easter was hectic and I have to go back to my mum’s on Friday , so can’t see any flurries of creativeness happening just yet .
My mum needing constant 24 hour care now ; my lovely brother was determined to have her living at their house but I don’t think he realised just how difficult it would be in reality (she has even started to be nasty to them ) So I am going up there to give them a break. I think she will have to go into a home soon … which she won’t like at all and will there even be a place anywhere, anytime soon? Difficult feelings of guilt etc…
Anyhow good to be able to get back on here Wishing you all well x
aaaw’ Caroline @carolinefrodsham …I feel your pain…I had to put my Mum in a home because her dementia meant she was found many times walking the streets at 2.am…being abusive to people and not looking after herself. Don’t feel guilty…(easier said than done). She will be well looked after and after the initial few weeks, she will soon settle The worst part for me was taking her to her room and leaving her when she said she didn’t want to stay. Take one tip, if you have to do this…do NOT leave any valuables with her. My Mum lost EVERYTHING…even her engagement and wedding ring. NOT the fault of the home…Mum kept taking them off and leaving them on tables and other residents would pick them up and take them away. Very sad…xxx