Folksy North East Seller Showcase

Hi :wave: I’m Mel, the Team Leader for Folksy Local North East. :grin:

I thought it might be nice to create a showcase for our Folksy ‘North East’ sellers to share their fabulous makes and designs with you all.

So, CALLING all FOLKSY NORTH EAST sellers only please. Share your items and links with us below :point_down: :grin:


Great idea Mel and Hi everyone! I live in Sunderland and comb Seaham beach for treasure :smile: I upcycle my beach finds into unique gifts and have been selling my work for 5 years. Check out my shop and if there is nothing you fancy but would like something custom made and personalising then please get in touch. Good luck with Christmas sales everyone, I will check in to see what you all make…
Seaham Sea Glass & Pebble Art on Folksy


Hi @SeaGlassSeaham , thank you so much for taking part. :grin:
Feel free to use this showcase anytime to share new makes, your favourite piece or simply anything from your shop. :grin::+1:t2:

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I’ll get the showcase started with one of my Christmas favourites from my shop. :christmas_tree::sparkles:

This cute pair always make me smile :grin:


Hi Mel
Thanks for starting this thread, what a great idea. I’ve had my shop for almost a year and to be honest haven’t really had time to read much on the forums but I’m going to make an effort to change that and post more! I’m Jax and I live in a semi rural part of County Durham. I’ve always made things. The reason for setting up the shop was to clear out mine and my late mother-in-laws craft stashes. I don’t buy anything, just reuse and upcycle what I already have. Currently I’m making brooches out of old canvas stretchers and ornaments out of old Jenga blocks. I never have much of a plan but I seem to always end up with colourful and quirky, so I guess that’s my style. I’ve just started slow stitching as well so some of those may be listed soon. :kissing_heart:


Hi @mapletreemakes thank you for joining in :grin:
I’ve not been on the forums much either lately, but thought I’d make an effort and thought it would be nice to get our folksy north east team involved too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I love that you reuse and up cycle everything :grin:

Feel free to keep popping back and to share your makes on this showcase. The more the merrier :grin::+1:t2:

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Hi there. I’m relatively new to Folksy, I live in North Shields and make all kinds of things from bags and jewellery to Knitted and Crochet items. I’m still a newbie to crochet but I’m enjoying learning. I have all kinds in my shop at the minute, quite an eclectic mix :grin:


Hi Jackie @jackiedavies and a big welcome :grin:
Thank you for taking part, feel free to share pictures and links to makes in your folksy shop. :grin:

Folksy Local North East

Here is one of my sea glass pictures, quite appropriate for all the rain we are having!


Hi :wave: all Folksy NE folk and Hi :wave: Mel @meldelcrafts our lovely team captain, great idea!
Judy @MuddMade here from what I think :thinking: could be the very top of the NE area, North Northumberland!
I make textile bags, purses and more…
Here is a sweet floral Liberty fabric purse… or makeup pouch… :grin:


Hi Judy @MuddMade :grin::wave:
That’s such a beautiful purse, thank you for taking part. Hopefully we can keep this showcase going. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi everyone :wave:
I’ve never used the forum before! But this is a lovely idea. My name is Janice and I live in Bishop Auckland, I’m an artist and sell my paintings and cards on Folksy, I also spin and weave, mostly scarves which I love making.


Hi North Easterners! What a talented lot we are :smile: I have popped over and added your shops to my favourite list and will make a big effort to buy local. Here is one of my sea glass pictures, hand coloured balancing birds to which I can add the words ‘stay balanced’ if anyone wishes…


Hi Janice @janicemacdougall thank you for joining in :grin:
I love your handwoven scarves :heart_eyes:

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This is so cute, I love all the rainbow colours :heart_eyes::rainbow: @SeaGlassSeaham

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Aww thanks Mel :blush:

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Hi all, :wave:
I’m Alison, I live in Ponteland. I’ve been on Folksy since 2010.
I mostly make cards, but also bookmarks, gift tags, notebooks and occasionally junk journals.

Here are some of my newest Christmas cards.



Hi Alison @FluffStuffCrafts these are so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you for joining in, keep popping back to show us your fabulous makes :grin:x

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I seem to be causing a bit of bother on threads with not posting my links correctly :laughing: so here I am trying again :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:
Aqua Sea Glass Necklace, Copper wire wrapped,18… - Folksy

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