I joined in #folksyhour last night and it was really interesting. I saw Maureen’s @sewflair items and managed to comment on one, I saw a lovely crocheted wreath and managed to follow the link back to folksy to “love it” I learnt a few points - but why did we all do it?
Does #folksyhour raise folksy’s profile on twitter or something. There were no buyers on there last night (but I was tempted by an item or two) Sorry to ask daft questions 
Thank you Rachel
I think the theory is (and this is for facebook as well) that when you comment on items your followers see it as well. So your followers might not have been aware of sewflair’s work but because of your comment they now are and some of them might be potential customers of her work. And if one of your followers retweeted the comment about sewflair’s work then all of their followers will be made aware of it and so on and so on. I’ve achieved sales via facebook because of this ripple effect where it wasn’t my direct followers but their followers who’ve seen a comment and then made the purchase.
Hopefully that makes sense.
My main reason for going on folksyhour is to learn things - i have had so much good advice on there about selling, SEO, packaging, facebook and so on that i find it a great source of information.
It gives me the chance to ask questions and get immediate answers and I also like interacting with other folksy sellers & the sense of community the hour creates - chatting with people in a similar situation to you, craft wise.
i don’t think its intention is for people to post link to their products. You can get twitter followers etc, but i see this more a secondary thing.
Thank you ladies, yes I did get new followers too. I was a little worried I was missing the point 
Yep, as others have said. I think the point of #folksyhour is to chat and share info with Folksy HQ and other Folksy sellers, it’s not an hour to promote your products. However, simply just being active on social media is promoting, it’s not all about hard selling.
As others have said, folksy hour on twitter isn’t for selling (although if you do get a sale that’s great!), so it’s not for showcasing your work. It’s for interacting with others, which is really what social media is for. I know in the past I’ve just shared my latest creations, but that’s a bit soulless and those posts/tweets tend to be ignored after a while. People want to see the personality behind your brand, as well as what you make.
Folksyhour is also great for sharing info with other sellers, and people who are experienced with SEO, adverts, branding or any other aspect of running a business. I always come away with some great tips on how to keep improving my reach, sales, shop, brand etc.
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Odd isnt it that people want to see the personality behind the brand - yet the internet allows us to be so far removed from everyone else.
I must admit I do see a larger variety of items on folksy from twitter - perhaps as I go and actively look for them rather than following my usual routine of like, pin, list, promote. Thank you @BigBirdLittleBird for your thoughts.
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I love joining in with Folksyhour I’ve learnt such a lot since it started.
It’s not really meant as a promotional hour, it focuses on sharing info and discussing topics related to our Folksy shops.
It’s a great way of getting to know other Folksy sellers. It has a lovely community feel to it 
I’ve learnt tonnes from #folksyhour although I’ve missed the last few due to other commitments. I think it brings us sellers together more as a community and brings in some people that don’t come on the forum very much. It’s the first decent thing that I’ve found on twitter that’s worth taking part in.
For me it’s definitely not about product promotion, and it REALLY annoys me when one or two sellers just post products without it contributing to the conversation - if a photo adds something then great but otherwise it’s just spam.
I love #folksyhour I do wish some times though that potential customers can’t see my posts as I want to remain professional - especially if I am asking for business help!
@talkofthetownparties your followers are unlikely to see one of your tweets in folksy hour if it’s in reply to someone that they don’t follow (unless they actively go to your profile and then try to see all your tweets)
As for what #folksyhour is for, it’s an established model of networking amongst likeminded individuals through an hour, or set amount of time, on twitter. Eg on Weds there’s another useful hour called #blogtacular, run by the lovely @blogtacular, which focuses on different blogging topics each week (e.g. productivity, seo, etc.) - there’s a good list of all sorts of ‘hours’ here.
Folksy even have their own explanation, rules, etc here - it’s not about getting more sales during the hour itself, it’s about personal development for people running those businesses, with themed topics each week! Which is why it’s INSANELY AGGRAVATING when the chat gets swamped with people NOT participating in the chat, and just spamming their listings - that’s NOT what it’s for, and will likely make people mute/block/avoid you at all costs!
(NOT that we have a bee in our bonnet about that…
yes- i worry about that too - i want to discuss aspects of selling etc. but don’t like the fact that i may then look unprofessional.
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