Do you have anything you want us to cover in our blog posts? What should we talk about next in #folksyhour? We need your suggestions!
Every week we host a friendly chat on Twitter, where we set a topic and anyone who wants to can join in. Sometimes we even invite guest experts to come along and share their tips. If you’re new to Twitter it’s a great way to find out what it’s all about, pick up tips from other sellers (and us!) and make new Twitter friends.
We really want to cover things that you need to know. So what would you like to talk to other sellers about – and what do you need help with?
Do you need advice? Is there anything that still confuses you about selling online? Do you wish you knew what SEO meant? Do you need help with your product shots? Do you want to expand your business but you’re not sure how to take it to the next step? Do you want to know what biscuits dunk best without leaving squidgy lumps on your cutting mat?
Lots of our chats end up as blog posts with more tips. You can see all the topics we’ve covered before, along with a summary of the chat and useful related blog posts here…
We’d love you to leave us your topic suggestions below…
I am not sure that these are topics for discussion…but maybe…but I would like to see the date that people opened their shops…so that we can have an idea how well they are doing…(maybe if they weren’t doing well they wouldn’t like it…mmm) But I would find it interesting and useful.
I would find it helpful to have a “scroll to the top” button on the “shopkeeping”…with a lot of items listed it is a paint holding down the mouse to scroll (OK, I know I am lazy)
There was something else but my old brain has forgotten what it was…I might be back in a while…lol…
AH yes…I would prefer it if the “when did you make it” was a but more widespread as I sometimes think that if something was made 6 months ago but you haven’t got round to listing it yet…people might think…“she couldn’t sell that!” and it might put them off…perhaps state in the YEAR it was made would be slightly better…Made in 2014, 2015 etc…
Hi Camilla, I don’t have a twitter account, can I still follow the folksy hour?
What I really would like advice on is -
a. How to find your target customer
b. How to promote to them
Hi Brenda. I’m really looking for topics you’d like us to cover, rather than features on Folksy itself. So is there anything you struggle with that you’d like more information about? Then we could cover it in a blog post or get an expert in to do a guest post.
You can alway read the summaries, even if you’re not on Twitter @flowersandfrolics - there are links to each one on this page as well as related blog posts with extra info
Oh, I didn’t realise we could do that - just had a quick look. Its a bit hard to follow the conversations! Guess I just don’t really understand twitter. I do like the related blog posts!
By the way I followed a link in the ‘How to get your products in front of the right customers’ post to Handmade Horizons for advice on finding the right customers - but it doesn’t seem to be current. Any other links to help identify potential areas to pursue?
thanks Camilla…I didn’;t think it was the right place to ask but rather than start another thread I thought I would mention it.
Sadly I cannot follow the chat sessions due to being a carer for hubby and not enough time…hope it goes well though.
It can be really hard to follow the conversations - I think it makes more sense if you’re there? I was terrified of Twitter for years, but I honestly really like it now. I like the way you can have conversations on there, and build connections, as well as get news and links to interesting things. If you ever want to dip your toe, you’d always be welcomed in #folksyhour - just click on the hashtag on Tuesdays at 8pm to see.
How about “How to build your brand”? I’m quite comfortable with mine and what it means but maybe others aren’t or want to even know what constitutes a brand.
Or “Getting that first sale - tips from Folksy sellers” to attract newbie shop owners? This seems to be a question asked a lot on the forums.
Mine would be, “how do you get more hours in the day” as I swear I find it hard to keep up with usual gumpf of daily grind, marketing and social media, and that’s before I’ve even looked at making/creating/designing items to sell!
Perhaps a “How do you prioritise your day?” or a “Top tips for being organised”!
i was going to suggest the brand thingy too as very important i think.
also - could there perhaps be regular twitter hours - for example - every 2nd tuesday of the month is new seller night or something - ? so topics for this week coud be for people just started on Folksy.
As a maker, I would find it really handy if you ran a few technical features - ie “how to” articles. Often I find myself on the forum asking for advice (in the past I put up posts asking “how do you take pictures of ceramics without getting a reflection from the flash” and “is there a way to cover decals that is heat resistant”. One thing I am struggling with at the moment is what adhesive is most effective depending on the job I am trying to do - a feature reviewing different products ie glues for ceramics, glues for fabric, glues for wood etc would be hugely welcome. Also, any features on crafting techniques would be fab.