Going to get a lot more done now

As I really haven’t got the time to get the hang of these new forums! They just seem all jumblymumbly to me! Feeling a bit old lol!

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They are a bit muddled up Dottie, nothing to do with how old you feel :slight_smile:

I find that better though as I never used to go in Fancy a Cuppa, don’t know why, but now i just read about every thread
Jax x


You’ll get used to how to navigate round the new forum, it does take a little time to get used to it!

I’m getting used to it now, but don’t look at the posts as much as I did before. I always think why try to mend something if it isn’t broken. The old forum will be closed down shortly, so we have to get used to this one if we want to promote on here. (I’m now going back to burying my head in the sand with a “do not disturb” sign on my bum). Marg.

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I’ve just come onto Folksy after not using it for ages and trying to get my head round this new forum! Was a bit of a shock. It’s making my eyes go funny!

I’m seeing not being on here as a positive thing as I’m doing more listing & promoting! I’ve even made it onto the Best Sellers list today!

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I am also not getting a grip of these new forums :frowning:
Tracy x

Tracy, what is it you’re not getting a grip of on the forum, anything I can help with?

i’m getting a lot less done since the new forum landed! :confused:

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Hi Margaret

Thanks for your offer :slight_smile: I just don’t think I’ve been on here enough to work it all out yet. I have now worked out that if I have a reply it shows at the top right of the page, so that’s a start.


Lol! Me too! :smiley:

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hmm yes, I’ve been hanging around in here a lot more since we’ve had the new forums! My excuse, I’ve been a bit under the weather, it’s back to the studio today though!


my excuse is that i was taking april off from sewings to catch up on diy and gardening… but suddenly it’s may and i appear to still be sitting here! :wink: