Google Analytics figures

Don’t get it. According to GA, the only visits I get are from the forum!! What’s happening to all my promoting, really don’t understand why I don’t get any interest! I get views on the other 1 and hardly promote? I know I have mentioned this before but it hasn’t improved at all. Feel deflated :sob:

I’ve just had a quick look to see if it was something to do with your titles as that it what the search algorithums head to first (I think) but you seem to be including all the relevant details that someone might put into a search string. Someone else has an issue with the hyperlinks she was putting in promotional posts not working so when people clicked on the link that should have taken them to her shop or item they got an error message instead. I had a similar problem where even though I had copied and pasted the link from my shop it didn’t work. When you do your promoting do you include links? if so have you checked that they work? (try getting a friend to click on them as it might work fine for you)

Could do, get someone to check. I tweet from my storefront. Even the twitter night never did much either, like last time!
Can understand why its not working? Other sites i get views, no problem, but here, 3 or 4 mybe??

When you tweet from your storefront, it provides a link but not a photo. People don’t respond to a link, they need a reason, a photo, a promotion etc. I always go on to Twitter direct afterwards and add a tweet with a photo. My sales and I’ve only had 6 so no vast experience, have come when ive been promoted by folksy on the front page of their favourites or gift guide. As Folksy new analysis shows that people only spent an average of 40 seconds looking at one item , I doubt they search beyond the first page.
Don’t despair, keep up the Twitter, if Folksy notice your tweets you may get some direct promotion and you are raising the profile of folksy which is good for us all.

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