Has anyone else opened up a shop with Dawanda?

Just wanted to know how people were getting on there and if it’s worth the bother???

I’ve had one for years but never sold anything on there so decided to let all the items run out.


I’d never heard of it before, I’m going to have a look now :smile:
Donna x

I’ve been wondering about it for a while I was under the wrong impression I had to do it all in German as they are a German company.
However it seems they have a English board, along with their German, French and now Polish Board.

A listing last 120 days and you can relist on the English side for free.

You can do paypay or Bank Transfer

Apparently it’s free to list on the English side and they charge commission only but if you want to list in German as well they charge a listing fee and commission.

I’m now going to look a bit more

I had a shop on there years ago, before I set up on Folksy and Etsy. I didn’t sell much, but I do remember that it was a very easy site to use, and it had some useful features that I missed when I came here. I liked the look of it, but the buyers were predominantly European, so I eventually switched.

I had a shop on there and sold nothing :frowning:

I’ve gone and opened a shop over there lol as it’s free to list on the english side I thought it was worth a go :smile:

Donna x

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They allow vintage so I’m now wondering which to try for my vintage stuff that’s taking you storage room Dawanda or Misi

I have a shop too found it easy to use BUT hardly any views and no sales. I don’t like how my prices keep changing depending on what the euro is worth. I haven’t got a lot in my shop yet and wondering if it is worth the bother

Thank you for the replies ladies x

It looks good. I’m going to have a look myself. No point having our eggs all in one basket as someone once said to me :wink: free listings too… Bonus :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Karen :hibiscus:

i have had one for years but have only sold one thing , think i may delete my account, im also with misi and find that very hit and miss to .