Help for New Sellers

Hello to all the new sellers out there and welcome to Folksy.
We see a lot of threads from newbies asking for advice on photography, listing, pricing etc, I thought this might help.

Recently I changed my email address on Folksy and as such I received 6 emails from admin titled
‘FOLKSY - MAKE IT SELL’ part 1, 2 etc
Each one had help and instruction to work through everything needed to set up and start selling on Folksy including Pricing, social media, photography, etc the final one had a checklist so you can make sure you havn’t missed any part of it.
I was really impressed with them and messaged Folksy to let them know how beneficial they are for a new seller.
If you are just starting out I would recommend checking your inbox as they really are worthwhile working through. If they’re not in your inbox have a look in your spam folder in case they have ended up there instead.


Absolutely Debby - there’s lots of helpful information on the blog too:


Yes there is, I often pop by and have a look at what I’ve missed.

Still not sold a thing.

I’ve made changes to listing photos and wording as per advice on the blog.

Wondering what I’m doing wrong

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I see you only joined about 3 weeks ago. Give it time. And keep spreading the word about Folksy whenever you get the chance, as it isnt well known enough yet.


Hi Claire as Liz said 3 weeks isn’t long, it took me around 2 months before i got my first sale with a lot of sharing on social media and I already had my local custom base built. It takes time, you need to make sure you are promoting regularly. You only have a handful of items in your shop, more would be better as it raises the amount of times your products might be seen.

Descriptions …can you add any more detail, i noticed there are no sizes on your hats also some don’t have care label details.
Are they 100% wool, if they are hand spun wools such as Jacobs or corriedale etc include that or 50% wool, 50% acrylic etc
Add as much information as possible, colours, fibre content, sizes, washing instructions, etc.
Do they have cable dssigns or basket weave stitches etc etc.
I was told to write the descriptions as though you are trying to describe your product to someone who doesn’t have sight.
It’s early days so try not to worry too much about sales yet.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to give me feedback - I’ve spent some time updating my listings so hopefully that will help.
Yes,I’m going to be putting more items in my shop very soon - I guess I was worried that I wouldn’t sell anything and they’d be wasted…

Many thanks again :heart:

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Yes, I’m not very patient I know.
Thank you so much for replying - it’s reassuring to know I’m not alone and that with work it will happen for me.


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You’re very welcome, hope it goes well for you


Hi, jumping in on this thread. I have put all colours under variations. Do i also need to actually put colours in the description? Thanks :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Hi, I personally would mention them in the description as well if you have the space.
When I use variations I usually put something like…‘available in various colours, please see drop down box options for choice’ or you could say available in red, blue or pink etc please make your choice from the options button.
I tend to weite as much information as possible in the description but the choice is yours, you don’t have to.

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