New seller!

Hi how do I even get notified on Folksy ? I am a new seller but have not had any interest in my goods at all ? How do I get a mention on a new sellers of the month blog ?
I feel totally unnoticed ?
How do I get admin notice me to appear on a new sellers blog ?
Crafty Stitches


Hi Jeana and welcome to Folksy.
When I opened my shop about 18 months ago I didnā€™t realise the work you have to put in behind the scenes, I assumed Iā€™d open my shop and people would come! It took about 2 months for my first sale. They key thing is promoting your shop as widely as you can, social media is your best way of doing this so post on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest etc as often as you can. Join in with the forums as members here are not only sellers but potential customers. There are lots of groups you can join online where you can advertise your makes and reach a wide audience. I canā€™t stress enough promotion will help with sales.

Good luck,


Hi Jeana, welcome! Canā€™t add much to Hilaryā€™s great advice except to say that you need to finish setting up your shop, most especially you need your social media links (Instagram and/or Facebook) as that is how most sharing and cross-promotion is done in the Folksy community - fā€™r example ā€˜Folksy Fridayā€™ where people make collages of other sellersā€™ work and share them.
Had a quick look at your shop and noticed you havenā€™t added a privacy policy (legally required) or your address details (also legally required - I put mine in the ā€˜Buying from meā€™ section). And it would help the look of your shop if you added a banner at the top - maybe a nice closeup of your work? - it just helps to make the shop look more complete and boosts buyer confidence.
Thereā€™s lots of advice on these forums and in the Folksy Blog about how to write titles, tags and descriptions that will help your items get found in searches, and Iā€™m sure more people will chime in on this thread too. Thereā€™s a Folksy Shop Group on Facebook that you might find helpful to join, and the Folksy Clubhouse on Facebook too.
Hang in there, keep adding new listings, blow your own trumpet (and Folksyā€™s) all over social media, and use the time while business is slow to read, learn and make improvements to your shop. You have to be an optimist in this game :slight_smile:


Hello Jeana, welcome to Folksy.

If you have FB and IG pages etc, put working links in your Folksy shop. And links on your social pages back to your Folksy shop. These links will bring customers to your shop, let potential customers know more about your shop and pique their interest, and you are more likely to be included in things like Folksy Friday boards.

If you do not use social media to promote already, you ought to try it. Itā€™s a huge advertising tool. Otherwise you could be here for a long time without being noticed.

Good luck with your shop. I love the fabrics you have used for your zipped bags.


As the others have said it takes a long time and. Lot of social media work to get noticed fully.

I schedule a post every day on sm, sometimes videos if I remember to do them.interact on the forum. The daily challenge thread is brilliant but takes time as you have to commit to post daily and visit every shop, hearting the item listed next to the an available wording. Folksy do not advertise for you apart from occasionally when n event is on.
Re the new seller you will get. Email eventually asking if you would like to be featured. With the number of shops opening each day may take a while.


Thankyiu , much appreciated ! Iā€™m not too great on SM , I have FB but donā€™t do much on instagram , only wanted to sell my stuff online as havnt managed many craft fairs this year due to family commitments, but Iā€™ll try , thankyou


If you use Business Suite to post can also link your Insta account. You need a business Facebook page.

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Hi Jeana @craftystitches Iā€™ve had a look in your shop and itā€™s looking very cosy, I also love autumn colours. I particularly like your about me photo it is very autumnal.
Everyone has given you really good advice.
Only thing to add is, looking at your titles and tags. If I were to search for Wooly Hat you probably wouldnā€™t show in search results as Hat isnā€™t mentioned in your title or tags. You could vary your title so some say hat and others beanie or beanie hat.

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Hi welcome to Folksy, lovely shop.
As Christine mentioned you could do to add more relevant tags, i looked at one of your beanies, i would add woolly hat, hat, winter hat etc.
I think most things have been covered by other sellers. It takes a while to get noticed online, social media is a must, I started on facebook but do put more into instgram nowadays. Good luck with your shop

Many thanks , I appreciate the help x

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Iā€™m quite new to Folksy too, 7 months here, and it does require some hard work. Itā€™s reassuring to hear from others that it takes time to get established as itā€™s difficult to stay positive when youā€™re not getting sales. Iā€™ve had two sales close together then nothing. However Iā€™m a believer in ā€œbuild it and they will comeā€ :crossed_fingers:t2:and Folksy has a great philosophy and offers loads of help and advice, especially on the forum. Keep going, itā€™s a learning curve :blush::sunflower: