hi, i have not managed to sell an item on folksy yet but sell loads on etsy, does anyone have any tips as to whats wrong ? i did notice when listing most my items don’t fit into any of the categories available so it maybe could be that, people love my stuff and thought it would be better to sell on here with lower costs.
thank you
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Morning Keith. If you have problems with the categories, then please let Admin know (@NOfkantsCurios) Folksy are terrific at helping us. With sales, then you will receive lots of notices from people in the group as to what works. There is also a link here to How to sell craft - a Folksy seller's handbook | Folksy Blog which really is very helpful indeed. Hope this helps you Keith. Take care. Good luck. Katie
Morning Keith,
Unfortunately I’m in the same boat as you! making sales on Esty and not a sniff here.
All I can say is that people are so great on this form and when I reached out people had suggestions and tweaks that I put in place sadly still still no sales but I’m persevering as the sale costs are lower here. I’ve been on your shop and its lovely!
I do think getting your first sale is hard because it shows you have no sales or reviews.
Sorry I’ve not got the holy grail of advice but keep at it.
Good luck
Same for me! I too prefer the community on Folksy & would rather stay here than try others but I’ve not sold a bean 
Been on your shop too, your things are fab too!! Fingers crossed for sales 
I think we all have to accept that Etsy probably is a more successful selling platform (not that I sell much on Etsy either) but I far prefer Folksy and I think I’m learning more here. I think it is up to us to build Folksy up and I’m hoping that as I refine my shop I’ll get more sales. In the long run a more focused Art/Craft platform like Folksy may win out over bigger concerns like Etsy especially if the market place gets saturated with ‘cheap poorly produced items’. This does mean you have to adopt a long term strategy but it is not ruinously expensive to sell on Folksy so I’m prepared to put in the time. I will be very interested to see what happens during the run up to Christmas when (lets be honest) many sales seem to happen. I have sold one item in the three months I’ve been on Folksy so it’s not impossible - just not very frequent. Good luck everyone!
thanks everyone ill leave it another month see what happens, i thought folksy may of done some sort of promotions to get visitors ?
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Hi Everyone,
I have a similar problem. I don’t have many items listed on Etsy, as I prefer Folksy, so don’t expect to sell on Etsy. The problem I have is that I don’t sell anything. I see other people’s beautiful items, and tend to think that mine are rubbish, and that’s the reason why. I really would appreciate any advice that anyone can give me, since I am new to this, having retired about 18 months ago, and I was hoping to sell craft bits and pieces.
Thank you
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There are so many very professional artists and crafts people on Folksy and Etsy that sometimes it is hard to compete. There is also so much to learn about SEO’s and optimizing your shop and it can take a long while to get sales. Like you (PersephonesPrints) I am not a big seller on either Etsy or Folksy but I live in Hope! All this can be very discouraging when you first start but there is no reason why you shouldn’t have a shop while you are still developing your products and refining your shop appearance and marketing, social media etc. (this is an ongoing process because shops and products can always be improved). I think it is a good idea to simply carry on and see what happens as long as you are enjoying it, keep experimenting and developing different products to see what people like. One word of caution though, don’t spend too much on your enterprise until you start seeing sales - just like any business there is no guarantee of success. I like your products especially your silk scarves & I have pinned you lovely scarf to ‘All my favorite Folksy finds’ Pinterest board.
Thank you so much. Yes, this is very helpful. To be truthful I enjoy arty things, and I make things for myself and the home, and will continue to do so.
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Hi Keith. Keep going, your items are so original and beautifully made! As others have pointed out, times are economically uncertain for many and they may not be spending so much on ‘non essential’ things at the moment. It took me over 3 months to get my first sale here, and I don’t think that’s unusual. I’m also struggling with sales, so can’t give you any magic formula for selling except to try and build up a following on Social Media, direct people to your Folksy shop and join in the Folksy forums to get more exposure and make the most of the Folksy community. Wishing you the best of luck.
Hi Keith,
I’m really new too but just wanted to say how brilliant your creations are.
I do think Folksy takes time to get to know, and the forums are lovely for inspiration (keep plugging on) and getting to know who’s on Folksy.
A big difference I’m noticing is that Etsy tends to attract a wide audience - I suppose like street craft markets. It’s only my instinct but I feel like Folksy shoppers are crafters - different demographic but lovely, lovely people. So maybe selling on here is about you (personality) as much as it is your products?
Just a thought 
Thank you everyone for the help and advice 
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