Hi, I would be really grateful for some critique on my shop please?

Hi, I have very recently set up my shop on Folksy and am new to trying to sell my pieces. If anyone could give me any recommendations/comments/critique that would be great!
Thank you :two_hearts:


It looks like the text from your About section has gone into this listing :

It would be great if you give a little detail about each canvas in each description. What would make you buy something? Try to make someone fall in love with your item :slight_smile:

Hi Catherine, thanks for pointing that out and for the idea of adding something about each piece. That’s really helpful. Can I ask what you think about the pieces themselves and the pricing? Please feel free to be brutally honest! :joy:

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There’s a great Folksy blog post on pricing your items :slight_smile:


They’re great fun, though perhaps you could include a picture of them on a wall? I’d also include your sizes in cms.

Will do. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me and for your great suggestions! Have a lovely weekend x

No problem- i’m in the same boat and I like to pay it forward! :smiley:

Hi x welcome x lovely shop and great work. Maybe describe your work more, as if describing to someone who cannot see… your prices seem quite low to me… know your worth x really lovely work x good luck and I hope you are very successful x

I agree that a few lines about each canvas as well as the size would be very helpful. Lovely flamingos and I like your ‘Inspiration’ section. Good luck! :slight_smile:

The top piece of advice I was given is to write your descriptions as if describing the item to a blind person - search algorithms can’t see the photos so you mustn’t rely on the information that they contain - looking at your descriptions there is no mention that the painting is of a flamingo! Something that I’ve learnt over the years is that search algorithms put a higher importance on the info in the first 2 paragraphs so if someone is search for a ‘flamingo painting’ and in your first 2 paras it says ‘flamingo painting’ the search bot goes ‘yes’ and puts it in the search results, if it doesn’t find the info it is looking for it goes on to the next page. Your first 2 paras are:

An Olive Tree Arts Original


so not ideal from a search bots perspective. Have a read of the folksy blog - there are sections on writing descriptions, using social media to promote your work, pricing etc

Also check that your postage is high enough to cover the cost of a box or wrapping materials to ensure that the canvas will get to its new home safely.


Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and for the great advice, Debra x

Thank you for taking the time to respond and for liking my inspiration. It’s true that the sky and fields fill me with inspiration but I wondered if it sounded a little cliche x

Also, I name each flamingo when I paint them. Do you think I should put the names on the site or would that be a little twee? x

firstly welcome to Folksy…before any comments…we have a monthly art chat thread on the forums and you are very welcome to come and join us, show your work and chat about anything art related.
We always welcome other artists…in fact Folksy is a lovely place that always gives a good welcome to new shops and there is always someone here to help.
Now…my criticism…your paintings are lovely but it would be nice to see something different as at the moment you just have 4 of the same thing…I assume you will be adding more items soon and that will brighten up the shop appearance. Keep adding items as often as you can but not too many at a time. That way people will keep coming back to see what is new.
Hope to see you on the September Art chat thread…


Hello Debra
Loved your work it looks great
Best Wishes Adrian

Thank you Adrian, that’s very kind of you.