How creepy is Facebook!

Before I was on Facebook, I had a message from them saying “Join Facebook and talk to your friend S----- R------” I was totally flummoxed that they knew that she was my friend when she had never mentioned me. Now my OH logs in to see if he’s received a posting from me, and there’s a picture of a shirt from “Toast” that I’d been looking at earlier on MY computer- nothing to do with him!!! I’m furious!!! Creepy or what!?

It is all to do with cookies I think, not the kind you eat but the ones which gather information about what sites you visit etc (well I think that is what they do) LOL

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Facebook have been for some time now monitoring what we do so they say they can then decide which adverts to show us.

They have also just been in big trouble due to posting some pretty offensive stuff on people’s pages to gage their reaction to said posts.

This is because it is USA based and they have some rather strange laws that allow them to do this.

I suppose it’s my own fault- I only joined so that I could keep a nosy eye on my daughters!..


I had to get off facebook, I found it very depressing :frowning: just never felt comfortable on it.
I joined to keep in touch with family members (waste of time)
I prefer blogging and of course “Folksy” :smile:
Also love Pinterest and twitter is okay.

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Surely that’s pretty much the whole of the internet. My email has adverts all over it for shops I may have bought from or looked at in the past - or that a computer somewhere which is far cleverer than me thinks is similar enough for me to be interested. Scarily enough - the computer seems to know me better than I know myself!!!

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I recently read that if you have the messenger app on your phone Facebook will access all you private info,photos and conversations and decide how they can use them to their advantage, they are being pursued for breach of privacy, but it was enough to make me delete the app. Creepy indeed.
I hate all the cookie pop up’s too, it means you can never buy a surprise for family members as they can see exactly what you have been looking at :frowning:

Google is Big Brother!! I dont have a plus account, and I just refuse to sign into google!! As for f/book, just not for me… I use my page for occassional posts… but ditched my personal account recently. Such a time waster, I hate the thought of people checking up on me!! Personally I find that creepy and made me very uncomfortable to the point I had nightmares!!! People from my past should remain in my past!!! I have a twitter account but rarely tweet, pinterest is pretty and a nice place for your fave collections but again I just dont have the time. To be honest There is very little about the internet that I do use!! haha…except Folksy of course, and the other selling platforms…including the one that seems to think it knows everthing I want to purchase!!

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Lana @WishesontheWind, I’m very surprised you don’t use Facebook, etc, as you’re such a successful seller! We’re always being advised to use social media. Perhaps it’s not that vital after all…
I did announce my retirement from pewter-making on Facebook yesterday. It was shared by my daughter. This morning I’d had two sales (on Etsy, even though they were to the UK and I’d linked to both shops). So I’ll put up with the creepiness for now!..
I’m relieved that “friends” from school or college can’t find me as they don’t know my married name and if they’d been real friends we’d still be in touch…

Well they get it wrong every time for me as all the adverts they show me are nothing I’m slightly interested in.

I use my pop up blocker so I don’t get any of that kind of nonsense. Although I allow for certain things like when on Folksy I have to select allow pop ups so I can use the icon buttons for facebook, twitter ect.

The only internet shopping I do is occasionally on here and on ebay…

Hi Christine @coatmunidi. You know how I love your shop!! My Sister loves her brooch, she lets me know she wears it often:))
I guess I tend to buck the trend!! I am the worlds worst at social networking, always have been!! Its really just not for me, not any of it!! haha… Obviously works for some though…
I do keep trying every now and then with my f/book page but I struggle to keep up with everything as my shops can become busy… I am most definently not complaining as I have had success over here… This past year slower but as mentioned UK sales on etsy picked up. They surely would have been sales here in the past I think…

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I think it is the same with everything from Facebook to Tesco now! After all, Club Card and similar loyalty cards track what we buy and we are always asked our age and sex when signing up to things so that we are a ‘targeted demographic’ i.e. ‘female over 40’ etc.
I think you have to empower yourself. I use Facebook to stay in touch with family and the only people who can request to be a Friend is ‘Friends of Friends’ (see FB personal settings). I don’t accept friendships lightly as I’m not a great one for reminiscing! My business page is exactly that - for business and that is the one I concentrate on much more ; and let’s face it ; I have far more in common with my lovely followers and you great guys here than anywhere else!!!..I uninstalled the Facebook App as a matter of interest as it was totally intrusive and commandeered my phones Contact List and infiltrated every other App going so be warned of that one!

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You sound as if you are disparaging “internet shopping”.
Surely you should be encouraging it. If people don’t internet shop then none of us will sell anything on the internet :smile:

Joy xx

Thankfully I don’t have a smart phone and if I ever do I not one for wanting lots of apps. I only use a mobile for amazingly occasionally phoning or texting. lol

Joy I’m not a great shopper offline either. I only shop for what I need really. When I need something I do a lot of internet researching before I buy whether its something I personally require, something the house or cars requires or for a gift for family/friends.

I’ve never ever bought any thing on a wim.

I couldn’t make glass without internet shopping as there are no art glass supply shops any where near never mind all the other bits and bots I use for embellishments, packaging etc.

My non-internet shopping has declined in leaps and bounds as it is nearly always cheaper to buy on line even little things. Broke my last sewing machine needle last week. Cheaper to buy from Amazon than to drive the car, use fuel, pay car park, 10 miles to nearest haberdashery.

But I’m just off to do the weekly grocery shop which we do in person not online (yet !).
Joy xx

Even though I live in London with access to loads of shops, I still love to shop online- you can look for exactly what you want without wearing out your feet and patience. What I’m annoyed about is “Toast” sharing on Facebook the thing I’ve been looking at without my permission! Is my OH going to see everything I’m thinking of buying?! Luckily he hardly ever looks at his feed anyway :smile: )

Best thing to do is have separate machines we do. I don’t use hubbies and he doesn’t use mine.

or you can have completely separate users accounts on one machine with your own password that way when you use the pc/lap you have to log into your own account set up with your own password so any other person using that machine can’t ever access your information.

Not FB or any internet as it was all switched off at the time but my hubby & I were discussing how lovely it would be to spend a weekend in Bath sometime soon. The following day I had an email from a hotel in Bath (which we’d never stayed in) with a special offer!!! Is my house bugged or something!

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