How is it decided what order items are shown in shop?

It’s not alphabetical… it’s not newest listing at the top… it seems pretty random.

You can order your own items - go to your dashboard and on righthand side choose shopkeeping. It allows you to drag items to the order you want. I think new listings are added to the bottom.

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Ah, cool, thanks!

My new cards seem to appear somewhere in the middle of my range. I’ll have a play around with that.

I had decided to quit Folksy when my listings ran out in January, then a couple of sales in December and a craft fair that upped my confidence a bit… and I’ve gone the complete opposite direction and signed up for a plus account.

I’ve even started in on the social media side of things that had never appealed and I’m quite enjoying it.

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If you have a plus account you can also choose to have 3 items featured at the top of your shop. if you select more than 3 they will appear randomly. Good luck with the shop.

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Just had a look at your shop! Looks very professional! How do you make categories?

There is a collections section underneath the shopkeeping on your dashboard. Set up your collections and then they will appear under each item in the shopkeeping so you can select where each item goes. Once they are set up they appear when you list an item so its all done at the same time.


Thank you! That was so easy I feel a bit dumb for asking… I shall spend some quality time familiarising myself with the many Folksy features at my disposal.

Never feel dumb for asking - the dumb ones are the ones that don’t ask for help and therefore never achieve what they want! The forums are very friendly here and I’m sure you will always find someone to help and give opinions with how to do things, where to source things and even what to cook for dinner if you need it!

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