Make a forth one and then you can list one in each of the categories you have suggested, you can then see which one gets the best ratio of impressions to views and move them into that category. (and you’ve reminded me that I need to see if there are any signs of life by my hedgehog box and possibly put some dog food out for it if there is)
Awww they’re lovely.
I’d spread them across the different categories to be on the safe side. I think most people find things through the main search, tags and titles rather than the categories.
Thanks Sasha @SashaGarrett - I hadn’t thought of putting one in each category, will try that.
I agree Jan @HandcraftedbyPicto - most people do seem to search directly rather than through the categories, myself included.
when I used to sell mine they went on dolls and collectables (on the auction site)…I chose that one because that is the one the other felters of teddies etc used.
Thanks Brenda @teabreaks - I have put my teddies and unicorn in dolls and collectables, my birds in ornaments and spread the animals around in sculpture and textile art - will see if it makes a difference - probably not
Thanks for the kind feedback Natalie @MoreTeaVicarKnitwear, Heidi @HeidiMeier and Susan @dottiedesigns. I hope more will be along shortly I am hoping to take them along to a craft fair next weekend to see how they are received there - if I dont sell them here first (wishful thinking!)
Good luck Roz with selling them here and at your craft fair. They are really lovely, just think that people are watching the pennies at the moment , I know I am trying to restrict myself to essentials.
I know what you mean Megan @SoSewMegan. At least they won’t go off and are small enough to store until the economy gets better and people start spending again, whenever that may be, and meanwhile I will enjoy making them Fortunately they are not very pricey in terms of materials - just very labour intensive but fun.