How to add photo links to a thread reply

Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve shared any of my shop items on here and my brain seems to have gone AWOL :roll_eyes:
I’m trying to add a photo link to one of my shop products as a reply to one of the ‘Showcase’ threads but can’t remember how! I’ve used copy/paste with the item page URL and it’s added a box with the product link with the description and a space where it looks like the photo thumbnail should be but no photo, not sure if it’s me being thick (a definite possibility after 3 months of lockdown) or just a glitch that will sort itself (our internet is being a bit tempermental so that’s another possibility!)

Just been back and the thumbnail is there, must be the internet playing tricks :woozy_face:

It’s not you don’t worry! The photo display on the forum has been a bit patchy for a while now - sometimes the photos take ages to appear, & we don’t have clickable photos anymore. Like you noticed, sometimes you need to give it a minute (or 10) to appear :grinning:

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Yeah, those little thumbnail photos never seem to show for me in the preview any more. You just have to trust it, as long as the information is showing up you should have the link right, then you just have to click post and hopefully the photo will magically appear (if not immediately, it’s normally there the next time I check the thread).

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Perhaps I’ve lost patience with it but I don’t feel it’s worked for me for months. I just automatically upload a separate file photo now, as well as the link. At least something comes up then.

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We’ve just discovered that you can add a clickable photo (well I say we - it was thanks to Bev @BevsEcoProducts really)

Load your photo from your device
Highlight the photo link text then click the hyperlink button
Paste in your item link
Hey presto - big clickable photo like we used to have :grinning:

Very pleased to have worked this out. Yes I am that sad :rofl:


Woo Hoo! That’s brilliant, well done for figuring it out! I’ve been posting both a Big Picture, and a link separately. Much better!

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