Hows peoples sales?

Hows everyone doing with their sales? Have they improved or still the same? I am getting so disheartened! Xx can some please look at my shop to see if it needs improving? Thanks soooo much xx



Not you, not your shop. it is, i am 100% sure, the current financial situation. Everytime you switch on TV, read a news report it is all about the cost of living, inflation, electric prices etc etc…It’s also been so hot that people will have been out enjoying themselves not shopping.

It is unheard of for me to go more than a week without a Folksy sale and my last one was on the 6th and pretty sparse all last month too.

Be patient. Things have a way of sorting themselves out. People still have birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas… Pretty sure that by mid September sales will pick up for everyone again.


People are still off enjoying their summer holidays or prepping for ‘back to school’, I wouldn’t expect sales to pick up until into September. If you haven’t already done it then make sure you have suitable tags for any ‘back to school’ items.
At the moment your clickable link on insta goes to a shop elsewhere which only has one item in it - I’d recommend changing your clickable link over to your better stocked Folksy shop.


Quiet an odd trickle now and then. I think the headlines stating £5k per annum for heating homes etc is very scary and can understand people panicking about it. This will have a knock on effect for online and b b& m sales. May get a flurry mid November for a few weeks.


Do you have a Facebook page? Could be worth setting one up at the moment while things are so quiet. I’m finding it very quiet too, but have made a couple of sales recently by sharing my William Morris and Laura Ashley items to appropriate fan pages on Facebook.

I’d also use this time to add an ‘about me’ piece to you shop. Who you are, where you are, what you do.

You have some great items in your shop, I especially like your origami purses and your beautiful pencil cases.


I’m finding it very quiet online at the moment. Face to Face events have been going OK, but I expect them to be a little quieter over the next few weeks whilst everyone is on holiday - and that will affect online as well

I get many of my Folksy sales by posting on my FB page with a link

It’s not just you - lots of people are having teh same problems at the moment :slight_smile:

Keep the faith!


As has been said, I really think the cost of living crisis has hit most people. I am 2 3rds through a 2year fix on gas and electricity with it ending in March. Bearing in mind I fixed before all this kicked off (March 2021) I am on a ‘cheap’ rate but am absolutely dreading March as I know it will totally rocket and I’ve got to find that extra money with no increase in wages. I’m just glad the fix don’t end till after the biggest part of the winter.

My sales here have been slow for years but even my shop on the other side has been a lot quieter. Normally in the summer I am chasing my tail trying to get orders (made to order) out on time but this year, once I’ve finished my current order I’ve nothing to follow. I think we just have to try and ride this out and spend the time maybe revising our listings, photos etc and a building social media following.


My sales are zero and have been for a while . It’s so disheartening. Just wanted you to know your not on your own . They are difficult times financially for a lot of people . Think we’ve just got to try to ride it out x


I had my hair cut today by the salon owner and I asked how business is. She said August is way way down on normal. She attributes it to first of all the fact that everyone is grabbing as much holiday as they possibly can after 2 years of lockdown and of course the media talking up of our dire financial future and the talking down of any bit of good news. We are not alone .


I have hardly sold anything for months on Folksy. I am selling plenty of cards and a few other things locally but not online despite plenty of social media etc. I do think it is the fincial uncertainties that is making people be more careful. I also think people who buy my products tend to not shop online. I will continue to try with Folksy though as I do love it.


I’ve pretty much given up on Folksy for sales and it’s not much better elsewhere to be honest. I am spending that time making for the joy of it and experimenting with different ideas rather than trying to get sales - I was getting quite down and my confidence was taking a kicking but it’s taken the pressure off and I feel much better for it! It seems we are all in the same boat here. Chins up, ride out the storm and this too shall pass! I’m sure things will improve eventually, just helps to redirect your energy into something positive and be kind to yourself.


I think your suggestion of looking at the lull as an opportunity rather than an obstacle is spot on. A good recommendation!


I am selling but this is my quietest year since i started Bearlescent in 2014 also the quietest since I joined Folksy, i did have a few months off due to personal circumstances and wasn’t making new items or as active on social media so that has definately had an effect but i think as everyone else is saying, for many sellers it has been a quieter than usual year so far.
I did my year end accounts yesterday and brought monthly accounts up to date, so far this year it hasn’t been worth trading but I’m hopeful that new products and SM prescence will make a positive difference, my new items have been selling since my return. My customers are mainly collectors so the lead up to Christmas isn’t much different to the rest of the year although I do sell more kits and embroidered items then. Think we are all in the same boat at the minute, my gas and electric has increased twice this past year from 150 to 260 per month and set to rise again. My husband hasn’t had a wage increase though. Hopefully things will improve for eveyone soon.


In just LOVE your products Joy, what a delight to look in your shop. Jenny

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Thank you very much for that. You’ve just made my Friday :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi there.
I am relatively new to folksy and am only just slowly building up my shop and finding my way around. I sell locally in a shop and face to face, but am yet to secure a sale on folksy.
Please take a look and see what you goys and girls think of my work/shop.

Nothing wrong with your work Kirsty, however a very high price point. May be worth looking at smaller cheaper items like coasters, to draw the customers in.

Very hard atm for all of us as people are worried sick about the fuel bills.

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Thank you for your reply, i do make smaller items, but have had more sucess selling them in my local shops. May try the coaster sets again on here, but a lot of competition with things like that.

Hmm my last Folksy sale was sometime in May ! Had a couple of sales on the ‘Dark side’ but it was only a couple !! …Im doing better at fairs just now when people can pick my things up and really see how much work I have put into my items tricky times folks !! hang in there and good luck xxxx


Yes I agree, it’s current financial situation that resulting in everyone being careful with money. Hopefully there will be some assurance and solutions soon.

Just keep trying, and good luck!


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