I think I have an issue

I think I have developed an addiction to beads… I don’t know what it is about them but I love them.

If anyone would like to just give me £100 to spend on beads that would be much appreciated :smile:

Does anyone else know where I am coming from or is it just me?

Jennie x


I have a similar problem with felting wool!

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If you saw my ‘collection’ of sheets of glass you would think your bead addiction was absolutely normal :slight_smile: (and would feel justified in buying at least 10,000 more :slight_smile: :slight_smile: )


we should start a crafters Anonymous confession thread.
Hi My names is Brenda and I have 300 tubes of paint over 160 paint brushes, packs and packs of paper,pens, pencils and crafting equipment too long to list… over 30 art dvd’s and 127 art books and of course I MUST buy more because it worries me that the shops might sell out…
next?..come on…confess…


My name is Kim, and I’m a Fabricaholic… :blush:


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Oooo I used to be obsessed with fabric too! I still love it the beads are easier to store :slight_smile: x

Help… Beads and fabric!

Hi Jennie,

I misread your beads as beards

Possibly because there is a beard thread somewhere too.

I wonder if there’s a market for beard beads?

Best wishes,

Beardless and beadless matt


Think theres a thread about losing the plot too Matt! @MattUnderwood


ha ha Matt, that made me laugh

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My name is Melanie and I have a zip problem … probably in the vicinity of about 500 zip problems.

I just like to have the colour I want, when I want it… therefore I must have all the zips in all the colours. Perfectly logical really.



Haha! Me too - it’s Paper for me. I have loads… but I still buy / need more!
I saw a funny post on FB - someone posted what looked like an Al. Anon meeting, but the person was saying, “I’m Sarah and I’m addicted to fabric”!


I know exactly what you mean. I used to buy tons of beads and just make stuff. One day I decided to have a sort out - rearrange colours size etc and when looked at what I had once I’d finished I thought …hmmm this could be the first signs of OCD :slight_smile: That’s when I decided to start making stuff for craft stalls and websites. For the past year I haven’t bought any and I’m determined not to buy any until most of what I have in stock has gone :slight_smile:


I have too many craft things of all types. I have now sorted it into boxes but it still takes up too much space. Unfortunately my ‘money making craft’ involves storing lots of empty bottles in my shed. I acquire these through donations from friends and family. There can’t be many of us who are happy to find bags of empty bottles on their doorstep, good job my neighbours know I’m not a raving alcoholic lol😁


My name is Eileen and I’m addicted to shiny beads :smiley:


My name is Haley and I am addicted to buttons. :blush:

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My name is Diane and I’m a paper hoarder :slight_smile:


My name is Liz, wool wool wool. I love it, I look at it, stroke it,


Ha ha…just love these confessions.
Sam…go and buy more beads, we can’t have you cured can we???

I love buttons :wink: