Im sat here looking for new Xmas venues to sell at for next year. I want anew direction for my work and feel I need to try new venues.
Anybody else doing the same?
If so, what are you looking for thatl make you sign up?
I do a regular stall in a company lobby inbetween the offices and the canteen, I always do well even though its just the staff, so we’ve agreed the dates for that (I’m going to be there tomorrow).They charge 10% of days take which goes to a local charity and put posters up for me so that the staff know I’m going to be thre. I’ve signed up for my local open studios scheme again (every weekend in July, we distribute 40,000 guides + newspaper/ magazine ads etc) as that is a good way of getting commissions as well as selling ready made items. And I’ve signed up for the Nov/ Dec dates for a local craft market - the organiser limits the number of jewellery stalls and vets everyone before hand to make sure that the work is hand made and good quality. Did it last month and did well, the next one is on saturday so fingers crossed for that. I’m toying with the idea of doing the christmas market in Ely cathedral - its expensive but companies organise coach trips to it and the festive lights so the foot fall is high and the punters seemingly well heeled.
I look for a limit on the number of equivalent stalls and advertising/ estimated footfall. If you can go visit the venue/ market before signing up then I would - see what is on offer and what sort of customers it attracts and if that would work for your product. (how did the xmas decoration fair go?)
I’ve just booked 3 shows next summer, they’re all ones I’ve done before and done well at, so I want to do them again. I’m looking for some new ones too, but don’t want to go too far afield, so I’m a bit limited for choice. I’ll probably look again in January.
I’m going to limit the craft fairs again next year. I tried a new venue this year which worked out really well so I’m going to try and get in there again plus two others that have worked well for me in the past.
I’m also going to concentrate on exhibitions, as they do seem to be the best place to sell my larger pictures.
Good luck everyone in your choices too!
I haven’t yet ‘done’ a craft fair, so hoping to start next year! Shall have to visit a few first, to see where I might belong. Rather not travel too far, so shall look around Berkshire, south Oxfordshire, north Hants.
I’m going to try and be organised in 2016. I’ve been so busy this year that I’ve done everything last minute. New years resolution: be more prepared!