Indie retailers vs Amazon blog post

Hi everyone,

I read a blog post the other day that made me think of Folksy, so I thought I’d share it. My favourite author, Maggie Stiefvater (YA/children’s author) wrote about Amazon versus independent bookshops, and how indie bookshops can’t compete against the behemoth that is Amazon - but that they can offer so much more, because they’re run by actual humans:

It made me think of Folksy as so many retailers can’t compete with Amazon’s grocery-shopping-gadget-shopping-literally-everything-tomorrow-shopping, not just bookshops. But Folksy, and shops on Folksy, have something that Amazon (and Etsy, arguably) doesn’t - lovely staff and crafters who really understand what their customers want.

It got me thinking about the value of platforms like Folksy, and how brilliant Folksy is to have.


Thanks for the link, I shall have a read :slight_smile:

I agree, Folksy is an amazing place to have, it definitely has something special.


I think it’s all in the customer service, I don’t mind paying more (ie not having a discount) if the people in the shop or on a website are knowledgeable and friendly - and Amazon is just a huge site of BUY THIS THING AND THIS THING AND YOU MIGHT LIKE THIS TOOOOO


I’m on Amazon, sold quite a lot of stuff on there compared to here. Plus I buy a lot on amazon too.

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Are you on Amazon Handmade? I know people who have tried it but with mixed results.

I’m on there, do quite well. And it’s free at the moment. At the end of the day, we want to sell our makes don’t we?

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On handmade and marketplace