Is it folksy hour on twitter tonight?

Hi, Is it folksy hour on twitter tonight on twitter? It is tonight at 9 isn’t it? I should write it all down. Thanks

hi - it was last night @ 8pm - every tuesday.

Guys you’re going to have to pretend I’m some idiot who thinks she’s read about folksy hour but can’t quite remember what it is :confused: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…What is it? :grinning:

it’s a chat on twitter 8pm - 9pm every tuesday.

there are some great discussiosn with guest experts answering questions on all kinds of topics related to selling - SEO, p&p, copyright, photography, how to be original and so on. It’s really useful and you get to ask questions and chat with other sellers. I’ve picked up some great advice from there. would really recommend it.

here are examples of folksyhour summaries on the folksy blog:

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@SallyandtheFreckles Thanks very much. Wrong night then, typical and the wrong time! I have written it down now as a couple of weeks ago I got lots of great tips so will remember for next week. Thanks

i nearly got it wrong last night as i thought it was monday yesterday :smile:

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Thanks sally! I wonder if it’s worth biting the bullet and finally join scary twitter…

I’d say yes. Twitter is the only social media I do . I was a complete newbie a few months ago and I now have over 300 followers. I get lots of nice comments which boosts my confidence and some sales. And on one memorable occasion an immediate sale.
My only problem is I’m enticing threads on Twitter and SoSewMegan here on folksy.