Is there a shop app

Is there a shop app you can use on Facebook to link back to like the Etsy one? Or one that can be used on a blog?

There used to be a way to do it on Facebook Lin @Amberlilly , but not any more.

I don’t know about blogs, but someone on the forum should know.
Good luck with your shop.

Shirley x

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I was looking for one this morning too, I don’t think there is one anymore due to FB regulations changing. Might be wrong tho.

Facebook doesn’t like it when you try to divert people elsewhere, I think that’s why they changed things. It’s the same when you post a link…your reach drops.

I use this one

it works a treat both on facebook

and in my blog :smile:

Steph @StephanieGuy yours looks great on your Facebook page.
I’ve installed the Static HTML app like the folksy blog says but don’t know where to paste in the Widget code?

I’m not too good with things like this.

Shirley x

Oh crikey Shirley it’s such a long time since I installed it I honestly can’t remember how I did it. You could try asking the question on the folksy blog post, I seem to recall I got some help that way when I was going through it.

There’s another thread with this on somewhere. I’ll see if I can find it and post it here. It took me ages to work out how to do mine and I’m not sure I can remember how, but if you don’t get any other replies then I’ll try and work it out and post some details later.

Here you go. See if this helps. I used the HTML static thingimobob mentioned and then had to work out how to change the picture. I downloaded a folksy image to use.

Hope that helps?

Thanks Helen @HandbagsbyHelen and Steph @HandbagsbyHelen
I will give that a go and see how I go on.

Shirley x

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