Hi. I recently opened my Folksy shop. I have sent out a few emails with the link to my shop attached but have just received an email from a potential customer saying the link doesn’t work. It says the page doesn’t exist. Not ideal when hoping to drum up business! Any advice would be appreciated
Works fine if I copy the URL. Did you link it in your emails? It should appear highlighted in pale blue if linked correctly.
Works for me too, would seem if there was a glitch it’s not there now.
It would help to know what the link you put in the emails was to check there’s no mistakes?
Thanks Kim, I thought that too… See so many shops with wrong links to one or more of their SM pages that I know a lot of sellers type the links in instead of copy pasting and goodness knows with auto correct it can generate any old thing. Sometimes I have extreme difficutly fighting auto correct to type the words i actually intended
Thanks everyone. All sorted now. I’d missed the word ‘shops’ out of link!
Always best to copy and paste Glad you are sorted.
When I make postage labels for orders I Always copy/ paste rather than typing in. That way I don’t introduce any typos… (I do correct customer typos, if they are obvious, like an extra character in a post code as i had this week for example )
That’s a good idea. Thank you