New Concept facebook page to help with your promotion

I am setting up an new facebook page called One Click creative.

The aim is to increase footfall to your facebook pages through daily themed show and shares.

We will also host weekly shout outs and pinned to the top sellers promotional posts.

The most exciting part of the page is the monthly themed Showcase and end of the month open house events which will lead people back to your facebook pages and items.

Its been proven that likes and comments on your images posted on fb increase your presence in others newsfeeds, bringing new likers in that are relevant and like what you have to show.

I hope you can join us and take part in a community that shares and helps each other in our business ventures.

you can read a bit more about it on the blog



Hi Gina

All the best with the new project I have liked your page as me, will post a link to Art In Wax :slight_smile:


Just liked you on fb . Good Luck sounds like a great idea anything that promotes awareness of people’s work and their pages can only be a good thing :smile:

I have liked the page as well…anything to help with our sales. Thanks for setting this up for us.