New Items Not Showing

I have just listed a ladies hat and a cat toy and they are not showing up in recently listed items. Thought I would let you know incase it is happening to others.

I’ve just re-listed something something and had the same problem.

still happening.

I have found a black hat listed when I have looked in the “Clothing and Accessories” “Hats” section it is about half way down the first page. But I have scrolled down 9 pages of the recently listed items and I cannot find any listings from yourself.
Unfortunately if a shop lists everything they have just after you, then your listing will appear after theirs, if their shop has say 6 pages of items, then yours will appear on the 7th page. If another shop lists say 4 pages of items then yours will appear on page 11. Which seems a waste of the listing fee. But that is a benefit of having a plus account, but personally I think it makes the recently listed items a bit boring. I don’t know how many customers would actually scroll down the pages as I have done. They probably will look in the individual sections for what they want.

Thank you for checking. If I list a new item it seems to show but when I relist they are not showing up as recently listed. This was why I pay for a plus account as you can get your items showing up more at the front in categories. I might do away with my plus account next year and just pay for a few months instead.

I think someone said that if you are re-listing something that is only a fairly recent item in your shop, it will still show on the front page but if you are re-listing something in your shop that has been there for a few months, it won’t show on the front page. I’m not sure why this is though.

Sorry but I did a full page of relists earlier as 2/3rds of the last page expires tomorrow so did all 40. I wasn’t aware that relists showed at all as newly listed.

That’s what I thought too.

Whenever I’ve relisted an item in the past I’ve never noticed it go in the “newest items on Folksy” section on the front page (and I often list in the middle of the night when they stay for a few hours because no one else is awake and listing). I thought it was only for brand new listings, but that relists would still go to the top of categories…however I just relisted a little pig that was about to expire and there he is. Already half way down the 2nd page of recently listed though and I only did it about 10 minutes ago. I think you’ve got to check very quick if you’re listing/relisting during the day.

I wouldn’t worry too much though, I doubt many people actually shop by that section. I can imagine they might browse through the categories if they’re not sure exactly what they want, but recently listed seems far too vague to spend much time looking through (and dull when it’s pages full of the same few shops).

The only reason I worry if a new or re-listed item doesn’t show in the recently listed section is because there was an issue a while back where this was happening and the affected items weren’t showing up anywhere. They weren’t showing in their allocated category or coming up in searches, even if the exact title was used. The only way they could be viewed was via the relevant shop-front. I know Doug looked into it at the time and things improved dramatically, but it seems as if it does still crop up on the odd occasion.

Ah, it might be a little easier to check through the categories then as they’re not quite as fast moving. Don’t have to be as quick to catch it!

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Well it looks like it is stuck to me! Hasn’t changed for about 2 hours. I relisted about 12 items and they are there (not on the front page) and have just listed 2 new items, but they have not appeared!

I have the same problem @clarefolksy, my latest item is not showing up on the new items listed, or in a search using the exact title which is

Getting worried now as this is the time I sell more. They are not showing up in categories either only when you go to my shop.

Sounds like it might not have been indexed yet - I’d drop support an email ( so that they can get Doug onto it ASAP (they will see an email quicker than posts on the forums)

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Thank you for the info Sasha, I’ve emailed them, so hoping they can sort it out for me.

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@erkinwald I think they’ve either sorted it or there was just a massive delay, as I can see your scarf in categories now and if I search “copper scarf”.

@beaniehats I tried looking for the items from the last page of your shop, and I could find them all in the categories except for the 2 listed today. If they don’t pop up soon (I can’t tell how many hours ago they were listed so not sure how long you’ve already waited) then it might be useful for you to email support too.

Yes Kim they have sorted it out for me, aren’t Folksy Support wonderful, always there to help :smiley: