With every single listing in the sale category, it would only work on the second try. So when I put the regular price in, then the sale price in the bottom box, it reversed it when I first posted it. Then on the second try it rectified it. Really annoying. So I tried putting the sale price in the regular box and the regular price in the sale box and it worked. Some glitch no doubt. And no, I didn’t have the boxes mixed up.
How strange. I’ve just been putting lots of my items at sale prices and it seems to have put them the right way round, but I will double-check them all now I’ve read your post.
Not sure if it’s a glitch with my browser. But it seems odd.
I had issues with the sales function not working properly because of a plug in that I was using on Firefox (worked fine with a different browser or when I switched the plug in off). If you have any extension/ plugins with your browser try turning them off or a different browser and see if the problem persists.
Definitely worth dropping admin an email about it even if it turns out to be a browser thing, they keep a record of all the incompatibilities so if anyone else has the issue they can help them out quicker.
I use Google but I got round it by swapping the figures in the boxes so that the sale price was in the regular price.