Would This Promotion Work?

Hi everyone,
I wanted to ask if it would be possible to post an exclusive promotion for Folkys members. I plan to offer a range of boxes in various sizes, priced between £13 and £20, with free delivery within the UK. This offer is mainly to help me get to know the community better.
I’m not sure if this type of sale is feasible, so I’d appreciate your input on whether it would be acceptable. Naturally, reviews are optional and not required, but they would be greatly appreciated to help boost my page.
If I’ve overstepped or misused the forum space, please feel free to remove my post.
Thank you very much for your attention!


I’ve no idea how you would do it Marco but what a lovely idea :smiley:


What about using a discount code for example ‘Folksy members discount’ then add the discount percentage i.e 10% then any folksy members could order an item from you saving 10% or whatever amount you decide (provided they have typed the code name in at checkout)
I cant think of another way of doing it.


first of all i was wondering if it is possible to do something like this. If it is possible i will take the example from your idea


Yes, I was going to say that as well, you could offer a promotional code to Folksy members. If you post the code on the Folksy seller’s category then you are less likely to get outside customers seeing the code.


I don’t see why not, you can add a discount code to your shop and just tell the people you want to be included to use it, you could perhaps announce it to folksy sellers in the sellers area on the forum. I wouldn’t put the announcement visible in your shop though as it may put other none Folksy buyers off. You can always run it past Folksy admin if you want to be sure and ask if there are any other ways but I think this may be the easiest way.

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Sorry Sarah I didn’t see your reply, exactly as I thought

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ummm now it’s more complicated for me :crazy_face: how do I enter a discount code just for members?

I mean, in the forum, propose a discounted sale exclusively for members and insert photos with prices?

You can’t… you will have to put your discount code in with a caption i.e members discount or whatever you wish to call it then postca thread on the sellers area of the forum telling sellers if they wish to purchase from your shop they can enter the code
‘ members discount’ at checkout for X amount off. As long as the public don’t know about it they won’t know to add the code so they won’t get the discount off their purchases… does that make sense

Hi so is it on certain items not the whole of your shop ? ?
If so yes perhaps just start a thread in the sellers only area of these forums, add the tag and image for the items you want to offer discounted prices on but by offering the discount code you may run the risk of someone ordering say 2 items and the code will discount them both. I don’t think there is a way of applying a code on some items and not others, perhaps email folksy admin to ask

Okay guys, I contacted support and they confirmed that, unfortunately, it’s not possible to proceed. The only solution would be to add discount codes that I can provide to anyone interested in my items.

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Pleased you checked with admin and got a very quick response.

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