New seller The Horror Crafter

Hi Louise,

Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me and offer some great advice.
Im so pleased you like my Red Riding Hood stone. :smiling_face:
I’m definitely going to make sure I write a good blog about my work and the different materials I use. As you say it will give people a good insight into how I create the items I have in my shop. I’ll download some before and after pictures then hopefully I can make a short video to show the different stages of my creating process.
Thanks again

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Welcome to folksy :wave: your makes are truly horrifying :grinning: I’m sure you will sell them here if you wave your flag enough on social etc :+1:

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Thank you so much for welcoming me.
Much appreciated

Hi Christopher, I am new to Folksy too. Great Creepy Creatures.


Hi, Nicola
Thank you very much!
Welcome to folksy :smiling_face::raised_hand:

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@thehorrorcrafter Do you have a license from the trademark/copyright holders to sell some of your products?